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Becoming an Idol on Stage, Check Out These 7 Beautiful Singers While Taking Care of Their Children, They're Truly Mamaable

Becoming an Idol on Stage, Check Out These 7 Beautiful Singers While Taking Care of Their Children, They're Truly Mamaable Andien Aisyah, Raisa, Aura Kasih (credit:;; - Running the role as a mother is indeed not easy. A mother has a great challenge in educating their children. Especially if they choose to be a career woman who has to divide their time between taking care of the family and work.

Like the portraits of these beautiful singers who usually become stage idols, they caught attention when taking care of their children. Of course, it is not only enjoyable, but also many things that can change their lives.

This row of melodious singers is not only idols when singing a song. However, the following celebrities are suitable to be called mamaable when taking care of their children. Because, they are so different when playing the role as a mother in the midst of their status as a celebrity in the country. Even more, this row of celebrities is also very skillful in taking care of them.

Who are they? Instead of being curious, let's directly take a look at the beautiful singers when taking care of their children.


1. Aura Kasih

Aura Kasih is one of the singers who always shows a captivating performance on stage. Now she also has to divide her role as a mother from her marriage to Eryck Amaral. In fact, the 33-year-old woman is increasingly agile in taking care of her child.

Like in this picture, Aura Kasih looks so different from her appearance on stage. She looks simple wearing a t-shirt while carrying her baby. So sweet!

2. Andien Aisyah

The golden-voiced singer Andien Aisyah has just given birth to her second child, Anaku Tarisma Jingga or affectionately called Tabi, in May 2020. Amidst her busy career in the music industry, this jazz musician looks so enchanting when taking care of her two children. Although it's a bit challenging to take care of two children with a small age gap, she seems to enjoy it so much.

3. Mytha Lestari

Singer and former talent search contestant, Mytha Lestari, also enjoys her role as a mother. The woman who married Barry Maheswara in 2017 has given birth to her first child in August 2018. Despite that, the singer of Aku Cuma Punya Hati always shares pictures of herself with her baby when they play together. She's a dream mother.

4. Raisa

Beautiful singer Raisa is also captivating when she takes care of her child Zalina Raine Wyllie, from her marriage to Hamish Daud. This singer with many fans does not forget her duties as a mother when taking care of her beloved daughter.

Even, as the following picture shows, when the singer of Mantan Terindah is backstage before performing and she still takes the time to carry her little daughter. So motherly!

5. Tantri Kotak

Who doesn't know the singer of the band with the tomboyish characteristic or often called Tantri Kotak? Although she looks fierce on stage, there is no doubt about her ability in taking care of her child. Like in this picture, the singer of Beraksi is seen carrying her second child, Arkhairan Cadenza Tanarda.

6. Momo Geisha

Do you still remember Momo, the vocalist of the band Geisha? Her appearance is always enchanting when she sings love songs. However, now she is enjoying her role as a mother of a child named Sheena Gabriella Aurora Samudra. Moreover, she often shares pictures of herself with her adorable child on her personal Instagram account.

7. Audy Item

Singer of the single Menangis Semalam, Audy Item, also enjoys her role as a mother of two children. The wife of Iko Uwais always shows the development of her precious children. In this portrait, Audy shares a picture with her second child, Aneska Layla Putri Uwais. They look very harmonious with the same pose. They are so similar and adorable.

These are some beautiful singers in the country while taking care of their children. They are really capable, Mama!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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