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Training to be a Prepared Father, Ammar Zoni Reveals His Experience in Taking Care of Syahnaz's Twin Babies

Training to be a Prepared Father, Ammar Zoni Reveals His Experience in Taking Care of Syahnaz's Twin Babies Ammar Zoni - Irish Bella © - The couple Ammar Zoni and Irish Bella recently trained to be prepared parents. This is because they recently uploaded a new video of them learning to take care of Syahnaz's twin babies.

Their excitement has made the audience even more impatient for the birth of their baby. Irish also mentioned that she is currently 6 months pregnant.

"Yes, maybe that's why in the final trimester, I start feeling tired, heavy, and cranky. I start asking for a massage before bed and asking to be fed. I become more spoiled," said Irish, accompanied by Ammar when met at Studio 41, South Jakarta, on Wednesday (6/24).

1. Ammar Panic for a Moment

Ammar still remembers his experience when meeting baby Zayn and Zunaira. He admitted that he panicked when trying to approach them.

"Yes, indeed. It's not easy," said Ammar.

"The first time holding a baby crying," replied Irish.

"The first time holding a small baby like that, it's still very small. That experience will definitely happen to us," answered the 27-year-old actor.

2. Being a Vigilant Parent

Until now, Irish admitted that they consult with doctors more often. She said that now they are learning a lot to become more vigilant parents.

"Not really. But now we consult with doctors more often, ask questions to friends who are pregnant, and also to parents. Now we are more vigilant," said Irish.

"What's important is being vigilant. We have to be vigilant and check regularly, don't hesitate to talk to the doctor, if we feel a little confused or anything, we need to ask and understand it quickly," answered Ammar.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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