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Behind The Scene of Kiky Saputri's Photoshoot with Her Husband and Baby Kayya, Great Results but Actually Complicated

Behind The Scene of Kiky Saputri's Photoshoot with Her Husband and Baby Kayya, Great Results but Actually Complicated

Celebrity Children

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Behind The Scene of Kiky Saputri's Photoshoot with Her Husband and Baby Kayya, Great Results but Actually Complicated

Kiky Saputri is currently enjoying the moments of taking care of her baby, Kayesha Nadha Khairi or Kayya, her child with Muhammad Khairi. This little family has just done a photoshoot together.

Kiky not only uploaded the results of the photoshoot with her husband and daughter, but she also posted behind-the-scenes videos. Let's take a look at some of the photos!


Happy photos of Kiky with her husband and Baby Kayya. The happiness of this couple as new parents truly shines through.


Behind the beautiful photos, there is always a photographer who 'struggles' to achieve the best results.


Through a behind-the-scenes video, Kiky shows how the photographer and his assistant work hard to get the best results.


This is the photographer who made Kiky's family photos look so sweet and beautiful.


The funny thing is they wore shorts during the photo shoot. It doesn’t matter as long as the results look cool in the photos.


Wishing happiness always for Kiky and her family. KLovers, don’t forget to check out other news on, if not now, when else?

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Already a Teenager - Having Critical Thinking, This is the Portrait of Shira, the Child of Pandji Pragiwaksono, Who is Now Studying in America

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Already a Teenager - Having Critical Thinking, This is the Portrait of Shira, the Child of Pandji Pragiwaksono, Who is Now Studying in America