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At the Age of 3, 7 Photos of Rayyanza, Child of Nagita and Raffi Ahmad, Breaking Fast at Half Day

At the Age of 3, 7 Photos of Rayyanza, Child of Nagita and Raffi Ahmad, Breaking Fast at Half Day Photos of Rayyanza, Raffi Ahmad's child, fasting halfway through the day (credit: instagram/raffinagita1717 -

The month of Ramadan feels special for the family of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina. This year, Rayyanza, the child of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina, has started learning to fast.

Although he is only three years old, Rayyanza is already adept at fasting for half a day. Through her Instagram post, Nagita shared the moment when she accompanied Rayyanza to break his fast halfway through the day. In an instant, this moment became the center of attention.

Curious about what Rayyanza's moment of breaking the fast halfway through the day looks like? Here are seven adorable photos of Rayyanza during his half-day fasting that will make KLovers squeal with delight!

1. Rayyanza Fasting for Half a Day

Rayyanza is currently 3 years and 3 months old. Although still young, Rayyanza has started learning to fast for half a day. The youngest child of Raffi Ahmad and Nagita Slavina seems enthusiastic about fasting. This moment has impressed many people.

2. Nagita Prepares Rayyanza's Iftar Menu Herself

As a caring mother, Nagita Slavina prepares Rayyanza's iftar menu herself. One of the dishes she made is Karak Chai, Rayyanza's favorite drink. A happy and proud aura radiates from Nagita's face as she prepares Rayyanza's iftar menu.

3. Iftar with Enthusiasm

At a time when children his age are usually fussy, especially when hungry, Rayyanza is quite the opposite. When it’s time to break the fast, Rayyanza, who has been fasting for half a day, still looks very enthusiastic. Rayyanza shows a cheerful smile and a happy expression at the moment of breaking his fast after half a day.

4. Breaking the Fast while Video Calling Ukkasya

Interestingly, Rayyanza breaks his fast after half a day while video calling Ukkasya, the child of Zaskia Sungkar and Irwansyah. The two kids seem close and enjoy the moment of breaking the fast even if it’s just through a phone screen. Their interaction further draws attention to Rayyanza's moment of breaking his fast after half a day, captivating netizens.

5. Praying Before Eating

Before starting to enjoy the breaking fast meal, Rayyanza doesn’t forget to pray first. Loudly and clearly, he recites the prayer before eating. This further amazes many people with the 3-year-old boy.

6. Makes Mama Proud

Nagita Slavina looks very proud to see Rayyanza learning to fast at such a young age. Nagita expresses her pride by hugging tightly and kissing her son's forehead. This warm moment has also moved many people.

7. Netizens Also Feel Proud

Not only Nagita Slavina as the mother, but netizens also feel proud of Rayyanza's achievements. Many expressed their admiration in the comments section.

"A 3-year-old baby can already fast for half a day, great Ajjahe (Rayyanza)," wrote the account @tiararahmawati873.

Those are seven snapshots of Rayyanza during his half-day fast, full of warmth and enthusiasm. What do you think, KLovers? It's so fun to see his cute antics!

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Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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