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Portrait of the Charm of Cut Tary and Sydney the Princess at the mD Entertainment Event, Mother and Child Visuals Not to be Taken Lightly

Portrait of the Charm of Cut Tary and Sydney the Princess at the mD Entertainment Event, Mother and Child Visuals Not to be Taken Lightly

Celebrity Children

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Portrait of the Charm of Cut Tary and Sydney the Princess at the mD Entertainment Event, Mother and Child Visuals Not to be Taken Lightly

MD Entertainment has just held a special event for its 25th anniversary while also introducing MDTV. A lineup of top celebrities attended this special event, including Cut Tary.

Cut Tary chose to come with her daughter, Sydney Azkassyah. The beauty of this mother and daughter duo is truly captivating. Let's take a look at some of their photos!


This is how charming Cut Tary looked when she attended the event held by MD Entertainment. The 47-year-old woman always appears graceful.


At this event, Cut Tary chose to wear a dress from Enchanted Gown that indeed made her very enchanting.


Tary did not come alone. She brought along her equally charming daughter, Sidney Azkassyah.


Sidney when taking a photo with Beby Tsabina. Both are beautiful and have a cute charm, right?!


Tari was also able to take photos with her friends who came to this MD event, including Thomas Djorghi.


Cut Tari also invited her daughter to take photos together with other celebrities like Hengky Kurniawan and Gunawan.


This mother and daughter also took the time to take a photo with the young couple who are in love, Syifa Hadju and El Rumi. So cute!


A mother's appreciation for her daughter. She posted a photo of Sidney alone. What do KLovers think about this mother and child? Check out other news on, if not now, when else?

Different Mothers, Here Are 7 Photos of Arsen and Kazeem, the Children of Rifky Balweel, Who Are Both Mischievous - Love to Fight, But Care for Each Other

Different Mothers, Here Are 7 Photos of Arsen and Kazeem, the Children of Rifky Balweel, Who Are Both Mischievous - Love to Fight, But Care for Each Other

Arsen and Kazeem, the two sons of actor Rifky Balweel, often draw public attention with their closeness and mischievous antics. Although born to different mothers, these two siblings still show a strong bond.

Different Mothers, Here Are 7 Photos of Arsen and Kazeem, the Children of Rifky Balweel, Who Are Both Mischievous - Love to Fight, But Care for Each Other