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Being a Father, Anthony Xie Practices Patience

Being a Father, Anthony Xie Practices Patience Anthony Xie © instagram/anthonyxie_ - Since becoming a father, Anthony Xie now has to be smart in dividing his time between shooting and his family. He always makes time for his newborn son, Anzel Maverick Xie, who was born on April 7.

It can be said that Anthony's life has changed quite drastically since the birth of his first child. Many things are no longer the same, but he enjoys his moments as a father.

"We really have to make time. We have to ask for permission (for shooting) if the child needs to see a doctor," said Anthony Xie during a virtual press conference on Friday (6/25).

1. Night Guard

Anthony Xie and his wife Audi Marissa have a division of time to take care of their child. Usually, he takes care of the night after returning from shooting so that his wife can rest.

"In the morning and afternoon, my wife takes care. But at night, I have to take care. Even though I'm tired after shooting, the fatigue disappears," he said.

2. Practicing Patience

Anthony Xie, who is currently busy shooting the soap opera DARI JENDELA SMP, admitted that since becoming a father, he feels busier and also practices patience.

"There's no difference, just busier after having a child, and we have to practice patience when the child cries at night, we must not get angry," concluded Anthony Xie.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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