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Being an Only Child - Beloved Princess, Here are 8 Pictures of Ramzi's Togetherness with Asila Maisa who is Growing Up

Being an Only Child - Beloved Princess, Here are 8 Pictures of Ramzi's Togetherness with Asila Maisa who is Growing Up (credit:; - The marriage of famous presenter Ramzi and Avi Basalamah is known to be peaceful and far from gossip. Their happiness increased with the presence of their only daughter, Asila Maisa Fatihah. Their marriage in 2005 was blessed with a beautiful and talented daughter. Yes, Asila Maisa is known to the public for her stylish fashion sense. Not only that, she also has talent in the world of modeling and a melodious voice.

Although having famous parents in the entertainment industry, she still strives on her own path to a successful career. Being an only child, of course, makes this 14-year-old girl look so close to her parents, especially her uncle, Ramzi. Here are a series of pictures of Ramzi's togetherness with his beloved daughter who is now growing up. Curious? Let's take a look at the pictures.



1. Adorable Portrait When Still Small with Abi

It is known that daughters have a special bond with their fathers. That is the kind of relationship that Ramzi has with his little one. Having an only child, Ramzi showers Asila with full love and affection.

In this portrait, it shows an old picture of Ramzi with Asila. Leaning her head on her Abi, Asila looks so cute and affectionate towards her father.

2. Selfie with Abi

Having a humorous father is definitely a joy for Asila. Just like in this picture, they show their closeness by taking a selfie. Ramzi is not shy to show a funny picture with his little one. In this portrait, Asila still looks innocent and adorable.

3. Growing Up as a Teenager

As time goes by, the little girl grows up and becomes a teenager with a beautiful appearance. In fact, Asila appears to be taller than her father. The 14-year-old girl is also skilled at mixing and matching outfits, which she often shares on her personal Instagram account. Apparently, Asila is a model and has even appeared on the biggest fashion stage in Southeast Asia, Jakarta Fashion Week.

4. Being the Beloved Princess

Being the only child, the 44-year-old man strives to make his daughter happy with all his might. The relationship between this father and daughter is truly extraordinary.

Like in this picture, a cute moment when Ramzi tries to carry Asila, who is growing bigger now. Apparently, Ramzi still treats Asila like his little princess.

5. Like Siblings

Often appearing united and sharing moments together, it's no wonder that Ramzi and Asila still look like siblings. Asila also doesn't seem awkward when with the man she calls Abi. Sweet moments while posing and hugging her father, able to make netizens jealous of their closeness.

6. Umrah with Family

As the head of the family, Ramzi is a good figure for his wife and children. Their family also often shares their harmony and romance together.

In this portrait, the small family is seen capturing the moment when performing the umrah pilgrimage together. Being handsome at home, of course, makes Ramzi happy to be surrounded by two beautiful women.

7. Vacationing Abroad

His busy schedule in the entertainment world does not make Ramzi forget to make his beloved daughter and wife happy. Yes, the family often travels together abroad. As for appearance, Ramzi's family is unquestionably stylish!

8. Compact Family

Growing up as a teenage girl in a happy family, of course, makes Asila love her parents very much. Asila's beauty inherited from her parents also shines brighter. Like a princess, Ramzi and his wife are seen loving their talented daughter. Truly a compact family.

Those are a series of moments of togetherness between Ramzi and his beloved daughter, Asila Maisa. Hopefully, Asila will grow up to be a filial child to her parents.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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