Sarwendah became the CEO of several of her own businesses. Despite being a CEO, she is not ashamed to wear a house dress everywhere.
What does she look like when wearing a house dress? Let's find out more here.
Ruben Onsu - Sarwendah
Sarwendah became the CEO of several of her own businesses. Despite being a CEO, she is not ashamed to wear a house dress everywhere.
What does she look like when wearing a house dress? Let's find out more here.
Most of us usually consider a house dress as home attire or clothes worn only at home.
Maybe some of you think that wearing a house dress outside is strange.
But it's not the same for Ruben Onsu's wife, Sarwendah, who is not ashamed to wear a house dress.
Despite being the CEO of several businesses, she is not ashamed to wear a house dress and even do her own laundry.
She also doesn't hesitate to feed Betrand Peto while still wearing a house dress.
Sarwendah has several businesses, including food business, beauty care, and others.
Even go to the market by yourself, wearing a house dress again.
Sarwendah is a figure worth emulating, having a lot of money from business, but her appearance can be considered simple.
So, are you inspired by Sarwendah?
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