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Blessed with a Daughter, Dea Ananda and Ariel Nidji Reveal the Meaning of their Beautiful Baby's Name

Blessed with a Daughter, Dea Ananda and Ariel Nidji Reveal the Meaning of their Beautiful Baby's Name Meaning of Dea Ananda's baby name (credit: Kafril) - The 12-year wait of Dea Ananda and Andi Ariel Harsya or Ariel Nidji has ended happily with the birth of their baby girl. They have just welcomed their first daughter named Sanne El Azhar.

When met at RSIA Grand Family, Penjaringan, North Jakarta, on Thursday (16/6) afternoon, Dea Ananda revealed the meaning of her little daughter's name.

1. Meaning of Baby Name

"Sanne is Dutch or German, I forgot, so Sanne is the name of someone I like who is like a model, I just like the name, that's it," said Dea.

"But Sanne means lily, lily flower that is. El is Ariel, and Azhar is his (husband's) last name," she continued.

2. Symbolizes Charm

In the same occasion, Ariel Nidji also revealed the meaning of the word El in their baby's name. He explained that El means light and Sanne symbolizes charm or charisma.

"But 'El' also has a meaning. El means light, Sanne symbolizes charm or charisma," said Ariel.

3. Experienced Stress

Before the delivery process, Dea Ananda admitted that she cried. She suddenly felt stressed before entering the operating room.

"I cried even before entering the preparation room, even though I had surgery before, but it was normal, easy. But this time I felt stressed suddenly," she explained.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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