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Both Have Failed in Marriage, Intimate Portrait of Alexandra Gottardo and Mike Wiluan Who Successfully Make You Emotional

Both Have Failed in Marriage, Intimate Portrait of Alexandra Gottardo and Mike Wiluan Who Successfully Make You Emotional


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Both Have Failed in Marriage, Intimate Portrait of Alexandra Gottardo and Mike Wiluan Who Successfully Make You Emotional

Alexandra Gottardo and Mike Wiluan have both experienced failed marriages. But now they are happy together, full of love like teenagers intoxicated with love.

Their past failures did not traumatize Alex and Mike. Now they enjoy their current relationship and forget the past that caused pain.

Both Have Failed in Marriage, Intimate Portrait of Alexandra Gottardo and Mike Wiluan Who Successfully Make You Emotional

Day by day, Alexandra Gottardo and Mike Wiluan become warmer and more intimate. They have been dating for years and are still going strong.

Both Have Failed in Marriage, Intimate Portrait of Alexandra Gottardo and Mike Wiluan Who Successfully Make You Emotional

Although both have failed marriages, Alex and Mike are not afraid to fall in love again. They are starting a new chapter in their current relationship.


Despite having different professions, Alex and Mike support each other. Alex is still active as an actress, while Mike is a director.


After divorcing Arief Utama, Alexandra Gottardo remained single for some time. Until she met Mike.


Now, Alex's relationship with Mike has been going on for several years. However, they have not shown any signs of getting married.

Both Have Failed in Marriage, Intimate Portrait of Alexandra Gottardo and Mike Wiluan Who Successfully Make You Emotional

Alex and Mike are both comfortable with their current status and relationship. It seems that their past failures have made them cautious in moving forward.

Both Have Failed in Marriage, Intimate Portrait of Alexandra Gottardo and Mike Wiluan Who Successfully Make You Emotional

Their busy schedules do not strain Alex and Mike's relationship. They always make time for each other.

Both Have Failed in Marriage, Intimate Portrait of Alexandra Gottardo and Mike Wiluan Who Successfully Make You Emotional

Close and affectionate, that's how Alex and Mike are when they're together. The romance of this couple often makes singles feel emotional.

Both Have Failed in Marriage, Intimate Portrait of Alexandra Gottardo and Mike Wiluan Who Successfully Make You Emotional

Working in the same environment, Mike and Alex often collaborate. In one production, Mike becomes the director while Alex is the actress.


Always smiling happily and being romantic when together. Hopefully, they will stay together until death separates them.

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Formerly Neighbors with Raffi Ahmad, 10 Photos of Randi Sapta, Former Drummer of Repvblic, Who Switched Careers to Become a Tailor - Earned 300 Million from Children's Clothes

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Formerly Neighbors with Raffi Ahmad, 10 Photos of Randi Sapta, Former Drummer of Repvblic, Who Switched Careers to Become a Tailor - Earned 300 Million from Children's Clothes