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Calvin's Heartbreaking Confession, Deddy Dores' Son Forced to Give Up Father's Guitar for Mother's Treatment

Calvin's Heartbreaking Confession, Deddy Dores' Son Forced to Give Up Father's Guitar for Mother's Treatment Deddy Dores' son gives up father's guitar (credit: - Still remember Deddy Dores? The legendary Indonesian musician whose name soared in the 80s and 90s was known to have breathed his last in 2016 due to heart disease.

Approximately five years after Deddy Dores' passing, many changes have occurred in his family. Especially in the lives of his son and ex-wife, Calvin Dores and Dakmar, which are concerning.

The situation has worsened because Dakmar, Deddy's ex-wife and Calvin Dores' mother, suffers from heart disease, brain shrinkage on the right side, and brain blockage on the left side. Certainly, the expensive medical expenses have made Calvin and his mother's financial situation more difficult.

"There are problems with the heart and shrinkage on the right side of the brain and blockage on the left side. For treatment, it has to be done gradually, and now we are focusing on the heart. Since 2015, for routine check-ups every month, we have to control it because there is a new blockage," said Dakmar, Calvin Dores' mother when met at her residence in Bintaro, South Tangerang, on Wednesday (25/8) afternoon.

Therefore, Calvin Dores finally decided to auction off his father's electric guitar, a Fender brand produced in the United States in 2010-2011. Calvin did all of this to raise funds for his mother's treatment.

"It's for the continuation of my mother's treatment," Calvin said. Every week there's always something, especially in a situation like this. Fortunately, the donations covered the cost of my mother's hospital fees, there were even people who transferred without us knowing their names. I am very grateful," said Calvin Dores in the same occasion.

1. Disturbing Condition

As a fellow artist and friend of the late Deddy Dores, Conny Nurlita is also concerned about the condition of Deddy Dores' ex-wife and son. Actually, Conny has wanted to visit for a long time, both to have a gathering and to offer help.

"I've wanted to visit for a long time, but only had the chance now. We used to meet often, often sharing the same stage with the late Deddy Dores. I was actually shocked to hear the news that he's no longer here (passed away). Remembering the past with Kang Deddy and everything he has given to the Indonesian music world, with his songs," said Conny Nurlita.

"I am concerned, especially since they are also sick. That's why I want to meet, and I am grateful that hopefully they are healthy, confident, and believe in recovery," continued Conny.

In addition, Calvin admitted that he was forced to auction off his father's legacy guitar. However, Calvin was annoyed because some netizens claimed it was just a setup.

"Many people asked about this guitar. Actually, I thought of not auctioning it off, but since the news has spread everywhere, if I say it's not happening, it will hurt. They even called it a setup. Well, if someone wants to buy it, go ahead. Use it for mother's treatment," Calvin concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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