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Chacha Frederica Reveals Zaskia Sungkar's Pregnancy Age

Chacha Frederica Reveals Zaskia Sungkar's Pregnancy Age Chacha Frederica and Zaskia Sungkar (credit: Special) - The news of Zaskia Sungkar's pregnancy has made many people happy. After waiting for years, she and her husband, Irwansyah, are now eagerly awaiting the arrival of their first child. 

Of course, people around Zaskia and Irwansyah also feel extraordinary happiness for this couple. One of them is Chacha Frederica. She expressed her gratitude for Zaskia's pregnancy by uploading an old video recorded last year. In the video, Chacha is talking with Shireen Sungkar, Zaskia Adya Mecca, and Tasya Nur Medina about pregnancy. 

"MasyaAllah TabarakaAllah, this video is from September 16, 2019, the first time I found out I was pregnant when this video was taken. My husband, mother, in-laws, and my family didn't know yet. This is one of my memorable videos and stories that I have never shared until now. Friends, please pay attention to our conversation, starting from @shireensungkar praying for @zaskiadyamecca's pregnancy, plus that night I prayed for them, including Kak @tasyanurmedina. The funny thing is, Shireen or Kia said, 'No, don't, pray for Kak Tasya instead to Ia (@zaskiasungkar15)'. Yes, Amin MasyaAllah, it turned out @zaskiadyamecca was pregnant and when I found out, I called Kia to congratulate her and said, 'Ki, Alhamdulillah, my prayers were answered'," Chacha said.

1. Joining in the Happiness of Zaskia Sungkar's Pregnancy

After the exciting story about prayers, Chacha discusses Zaskia Sungkar's pregnancy. In the video, she did pray for Shireen's sister to get pregnant soon. Now Chacha's prayer has also been answered.

"And now we know @zaskiasungkar15 is already 2 months pregnant, MashaAllah TabarakaAllah. In short, speaking good words is truly a prayer. We never know which prayer Allah will answer first. Life is truly the power of Allah. That's where I feel that we are all creatures who feel like we have plans and aspirations, but the greatest decision lies in the power of Allah SWT. Congratulations Kia @zaskiasungkar15 on your pregnancy, I am deeply moved. Hopefully, Kia's story can be an encouragement for all the fighters out there with two lines," Chacha continues.

2. Different People, Different Blessings

After congratulating Zaskia Sungkar, Chacha also talks about mothers who are struggling to get pregnant. Chacha says that blessings are different for each person, some are quickly blessed with children, while others need years to be trusted.

"Blessings are different for each person. Some get pregnant within a year of marriage. Some, like me, only get the trust after 4 years. Some, like @zaskiadyamecca, feel like 'Ah, I have enough children', but according to Allah, there are still not enough. And there are also people like @zaskiasungkar15, who had to wait for 9-10 years to be trusted," writes Chacha.

3. Harapan Chacha

Chacha also gives encouragement to all couples who are eagerly awaiting the arrival of a child in their marriage. She knows exactly how it feels to wait for pregnancy and the arrival of a child. Chacha asks everyone to always pray.

"Friends, keep fighting. I know it's not easy, been there, done that. Tired of being asked when will you have a child, etc. But believe me, go through it with patience, don't give up praying, lots of istighfar, speak kindly because we never know which of our words are accepted by Allah. We are all creatures created by Allah and it is impossible for Allah not to love what Allah has created, because Allah is the best caretaker. In the name of Allah. Keep up the spirit, everyone. Let's pray for each other," Chacha concluded.

Keep up the spirit, everyone. Congratulations to Zaskia Sungkar and Irwansyah.

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MasyaAllah TabarakaAllah video ini tgl 16 September 2019, pertama kali aku tau aku hamil saat video ini di ambil suami, mama, mertua dan keluargaku blm ada yg tau,ini salah satu video kenangan cerita aku yg blm pernah aku share sampai saat ini ...coba deh teman2 perhatikan obrolan kita mulai dari @shireensungkar hamil di doain @zaskiadyamecca mlm itu aku mendoakan mereka termasuk kak @tasyanurmedina, yg lucu Shireen ataupun Kia bilang enggak jgn dong..doain kak Tasya aja tuh sama Ia (@zaskiasungkar15) ... iyaa Aaamiin MasyaAllah bener aja @zaskiadyamecca is pregnant and when I found out, I called Kia to congratulate her and said, 'Alhamdulillah, my prayers have been answered.' And now we know that @zaskiasungkar15 is also two months pregnant. MashaAllah TabarakaAllah ... in short, speak good words, prayers are real, we never know which prayers Allah will answer first, this life is truly the power of Allah. That's where I feel that we are all creatures who feel like we have plans and dreams, but the Ultimate Truth lies only in the power of Allah SWT. Congratulations Kia @zaskiasungkar15 on your pregnancy, I am deeply touched and I hope Kia's story can be an inspiration for all the warriors out there with two lines... Allah is the best designer for our lives... humans are different, blessings are different, some get married and have children within a year, some like me have to wait for 4 years to be trusted, some like @zaskiadyamecca feel like they have enough children but according to Allah, they still need more, some like @zaskiasungkar15 have to wait 9-10 years to be trusted... to all the warriors with two lines, keep fighting, I know it's not easy, been there done that, tired of being asked when will you have children, etc... but believe in patience, never stop praying, ask for forgiveness, speak good words because we never know which words of ours Allah will accept... we are all creatures created by Allah and it is impossible for Allah not to love what Allah has created because Allah is the best caretaker... Bismillah spirit everyone .. praying for each other ???????? "Allah does not oppress His servants". (QS.Al-Hajj : 10)

A post shared by Wynne Frederica, S.E., BBA (@chafrederica) on Sep 5, 2020 at 10:10pm PDT


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