Artist Ciccio Manassero has not had a partner after being single for the last two years. However, he does not limit himself to looking for a partner from certain circles, including fellow artists. Check out more details below!
Celebrity Activities
Artist Ciccio Manassero has not had a partner after being single for the last two years. However, he does not limit himself to looking for a partner from certain circles, including fellow artists. Check out more details below!
"I don't know, I don't know. I'm free, I don't have to be limited to this actress, this model, this lawyer, or whatever, because I don't believe someone can be judged by their career. So any profession is fine, it doesn't have to be from the same profession," said Ciccio at XXI Epicentrum, South Jakarta, recently.
Although he has been single for quite a while, Ciccio admits that his family does not pressure him to find a partner soon. His mother also tends to be relaxed about his single status. "My mom is chill, I think she feels sorry for me (for being single)," he said jokingly.
Unlike his mother, his father who lives in Italy often asks about Ciccio's romantic relationships. "My dad is the one asking in Italy, 'Does Ciccio have a girlfriend?' 'No dad, there are many in Italy,'" he said.
Ciccio does not have specific criteria when looking for a partner. He prioritizes compatibility over someone's professional background or origin. "Yeah, why not. I don't know. For me, as long as there's a click, it's a click, it's a click; if not, then it's not forced," he said.
Although he has been alone for two years, Ciccio admits he does not feel lonely. He is still surrounded by close people who are always there for him.
"No, I am not lonely, I have close friends. In the past two years, I have come to know who my true friends are. Mas Yogi, Ghozali, they are my friends who are there for me," he said.
"Every day I can ask, spend time, because for me love is not just about relationships, but love can be with family, can be with close friends who are like family. So, if asked if I feel lonely, no, I don't," he continued.
Besides relationships, Ciccio is also quite selective in forming friendships. He believes that a good friendship should be based on honesty and compatibility from both sides.
"I believe we should be kind to everyone, but to really become very close friends, the selectiveness is not just on my part but on theirs as well. Friendship is a two-way street, not just one-sided. Of course, if there’s a click, the person is good, honest, then I don’t really choose friends anymore. The important thing is that the person is good, that’s all," she concluded.
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