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Cinta Laura Shows off Six Pack Abs under a Waterfall, Netizens Go Crazy

Cinta Laura Shows off Six Pack Abs under a Waterfall, Netizens Go Crazy Cinta Laura @ - Not only beautiful and stylish, Cinta Laura is known as one of the artists who has the dream body goals of many people. Not only you, Deddy Corbuzier's son named Azka Corbuzier openly admitted to having a crush on Cinta since he was 7 years old.

Of course, all of that is not obtained instantly. It takes strict diet, regular workout, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle to be able to get sexy abs like Cinta Laura.

Moreover, the abs that Cinta has is not just ordinary abs. This actress who also has a career in the music world has six-pack abdominal muscles that can easily make you stunned when you see them. Don't believe it?

1. Showing Off Six Pack Abs

That's the view you can find in Cinta Laura's latest post on Instagram on Monday (23/11). The star of THE NINTH PASSENGER showed off her six pack abs while posing under a waterfall.

Through this post, Cinta teasingly mentioned Sheila Dara Aisha and Ganinda Bimo, "Noticing @ganindrabimo and @sheiladaisha eating ice cream after burning 1000 calories during their workout."

2. Netizens' Excited Reactions

As expected, netizens immediately got excited and started commenting, "Does Cinta not eat ice cream?". Realizing the question, Cinta replied, "I do eat..."

Actor Fero Walandouw even left a comment saying, "Her six pack is amazing." There were also many netizens who compared Cinta Laura's sexy abs to ripped bread. What do you think?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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