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Complete College Despite a Shining Career, Check Out the Series of Graduation Moments of Yesaya Abraham - Accompanied by Girlfriend!

Complete College Despite a Shining Career, Check Out the Series of Graduation Moments of Yesaya Abraham - Accompanied by Girlfriend! - The handsome actor Yesaya Abraham is increasingly showing his existence in the Indonesian film industry. He has now starred in many series and films, his handsome face and mesmerizing acting have caught the attention of netizens.

Despite having a rising career. Yesaya doesn't forget about education. He captured the graduation moment attended by loved ones. Check out the complete portrait below.

1. Here is the happy portrait of Yesaya Abraham who has completed his studies as a student. The radiant face is clearly displayed in his latest post on his personal Instagram.

2. Just like any other student, Yesaya wears a gown and captures this special moment with his father. Of course, this is an incredible pride for parents.

3. Not to be missed, Yesaya's beloved family is seen attending Yesaya Abraham's graduation moment. This shining career does not make Yesaya turn a blind eye to the importance of education.

4. Although seen warmly gathering with his beloved family. Yesaya's mother passed away in 2021.

5. Nevertheless, his mother must be proud to see Yesaya reaching this point. As a child, he always strives to make his parents proud!

6. This 24-year-old handsome actor has completed his education at Krida Wacana Christian University. What did Yesaya major in, KLovers? Anyone who knows can spill it!

7. Equally attention-grabbing is the presence of his beloved girlfriend, Kiara McKenna, on Yesaya's graduation day. This couple always supports each other, no wonder they're called couple goals.

8. Congratulations on your graduation, Yesaya Abraham. We look forward to your other proud achievements. Next, are you going for a Master's degree or focusing on being an actor?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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