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Cool Grandmas, This is How Kris Dayanti, Ashanty, and Geni Faruk Enliven their Grandchild's Birthday

Cool Grandmas, This is How Kris Dayanti, Ashanty, and Geni Faruk Enliven their Grandchild's Birthday Kris Dayanti, Ashanty, and Geni Faruk's Actions Liven Up their Grandchild's Birthday (Credit: Instagram/krisdayantilemos) - Ameena's 2nd birthday on February 22, 2024 has attracted quite a bit of attention. The presence of her three grandmothers, namely Kris Dayanti, Ashanty, and Geni Faruk, can be said to be the most attention-grabbing.

Being complete, these grandmothers of Ameena also participated in a sliding competition to liven up the event. Despite their age, these cool grandmas looked agile.

So, what did Kris Dayanti, Ashanty, and Geni Faruk do to enliven their grandchild's birthday? Let's find out more information below.

1. Portrait of Grandma Ameena at the Birthday Party

Ameena, who was born on February 22, 2022, recently celebrated her 2nd birthday. The birthday celebration of Aurel Hermansyah and Atta Halilintar's eldest daughter seemed quite lively with the presence of extended family. They all appeared wearing matching pink outfits.

2. Featuring Kris Dayanti, Ashanty, and Geni Faruk

Through various photos circulating on social media, the three grandmothers of Ameena, namely Kris Dayanti, Ashanty, and Geni Faruk, were present in full attendance. Even Gen Halilintar, which consists of Atta Halilintar's siblings, also enlivened the atmosphere.

3. Cool Grandmas

These three grandmas, Ameena, have unique nicknames for each other, namely Gemmi for Kris Dayanti, Genda for Ashanty, and Gadda for Geni Faruk. Because of their youthful style and cheerful demeanor, they are often referred to as cool grandmas.

4. Slide Competition

Not just gathering and blowing out candles, Ameena's birthday party became more exciting because there was a slide competition. The participants were the grandmas themselves. The video of the competition's excitement was uploaded by Sohwa, one of the daughters of Gen Halilintar.

5. All Energetic

Kris Dayanti, Ashanty, and Geni Faruk are actually old. Each of them is 48, 40, and 51 years old. However, all three of them are still energetic. Sohwa herself admits that she finds it adorable when they participate in the slide competition.

"Our grandmas are so adorable, it would be a waste if we only upload it on instastory hihihi," captioned Sohwa Halilintar.

6. Liven up the birthday of their grandchild

The birth of Ameena became one of the most anticipated moments after previously, Aurel Hermansyah had a miscarriage. It's no wonder that the extended family is always enthusiastic about every special moment of their first grandchild. The three grandmothers also seem very excited to celebrate their grandchild's birthday, KLovers!

7. Kris Dayanti is the champion

Kris Dayanti won the first place in the birthday sliding competition of Ameena. Through the comment section, many also support the diva. It's because she is known to be fit and diligent in exercising.

Well, KLovers, those are a series of pictures of Kris Dayanti, Ashanty, and Geni Faruk livening up their grandchild's birthday.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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