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Criticism for Wearing a Cross Necklace, Ratu Rizky Nabila: It's a Birthday Gift, Don't Underestimate It

Criticism for Wearing a Cross Necklace, Ratu Rizky Nabila: It's a Birthday Gift, Don't Underestimate It Ratu Rizky Nabila during a photoshoot © instagram/raturn - Singer Ratu Rizky Nabila suddenly became the target of online attacks for allegedly playing with religion. It is known that Ratu Rizky Nabila herself is a Muslim, but she was caught wearing a cross-shaped necklace which she uploaded on her Insta Story.

Because of this, many netizens were angry with her, especially after she uploaded a photo of herself wearing a hijab. Ratu Rizky Nabila responded to the criticism from netizens regarding her post.

Over the phone, she explained that the necklace was a gift as a form of her birthday present. The necklace was given by her grandfather's family who are Christians, and she believes that wearing a gift is a form of mutual respect.

"The necklace is a gift, my birthday was on October 2nd, it was given by my grandfather's family, Johny Parapat, who is a Christian, and I have non-Muslim relatives, it's a birthday gift, why wouldn't we appreciate it," said Ratu Rizky Nabila.

1. Gift

This single mother also urged that the act of discriminating against people of different religions should not be done. She mentioned that the two photos she uploaded were taken at different times.

"They are my siblings, after all, don't be mean to minorities. Every household has its own standards. The one in hijab is an old photo, the one with the necklace is new," she said.

Certainly, various responses from netizens flooded the comment section of this 26-year-old woman's Instagram. Nevertheless, Ratu Rizky Nabila chose to stay calm and not bother about the criticisms from netizens towards her.

"Just relax, I do care with non-Muslims who might visit or just read articles and news about 'wearing a cross' and then get criticized. It's a pity, don't they know that it's not allowed? Yes, I know Indonesia is predominantly Islamic, but minorities also use gadgets sometimes, and besides, it's actually a matter of privacy. It's not my obligation to reveal my family lineage for people to understand me," said Ratu Rizky Nabila.

"At the end, there will always be a message that I want to convey, if you were in my position? And being judged from A to Z, how would you feel? If that makes you happy, go ahead. I appreciate everyone, whether they are the majority or the minority. For me, it's about doing good and being good," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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