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Crying over the Loss of an Adoptive Mother, Anjasmara Had a Premonition Before the Death of Rachmawati Soekarnoputri

Crying over the Loss of an Adoptive Mother, Anjasmara Had a Premonition Before the Death of Rachmawati Soekarnoputri Anjasmara (credit: - The departure of Rachmawati Soekarnoputri has left a deep sorrow in the hearts of her family. Including Anjasmara, a senior actor who is also her stepchild. Anjas was seen coming to Rachmawati Soekarnoputri's funeral home to bid farewell to his stepmother for the last time. He immediately cried upon seeing Rachmawati's body inside the ambulance.

When met at RSPA Gatot Subroto, South Jakarta, Saturday (3/7), Anjasmara admitted that he was very shocked to hear the news of Rachmawati's passing. Moreover, not long ago, he still had communication with his mother.

"I was surprised. I just heard this morning around 7:30, I heard the news that she had passed away. The last time we communicated was around early June. I had the chance to meet her and have various conversations," said Anjasmara.

1. Feeling Lost

Certainly, as a child, Anjasmara must feel very lost. Because for him, the departure of Rachmawati is a sad thing considering that his stepmother is a good and loving figure.

"She is a mother who loves all her children. I am very lucky to be adopted by her as one of her close children. She loves everyone very much," he said.

2. Having a Premonition

In addition, Anjasmara also admitted that he had a premonition. He felt strange because suddenly he missed Rachmawati.

"Actually, I had a premonition, I really missed her and wanted to meet her. But because I was busy, I thought I would do it later. Hopefully, bu Rachma's grave will be spacious. Given the best place among the best by Allah SWT," he said.

"To everyone, I ask for prayers for bu Rachma so that everything goes smoothly for her and for the family she left behind. Stay strong, stay sincere, and be able to live life as it should be," he concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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