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Cure the Longing of Her Fans, Ria Angelina Comeback in the Indonesian Music Scene

Cure the Longing of Her Fans, Ria Angelina Comeback in the Indonesian Music Scene Ria Angelina (credit: Personal Documentation) - After a long hiatus in the music industry, the soft-voiced singer Ria Angelina is now set to release her latest album titled Berlalunya Sebuah Hati in the pop genre. The album Berlalunya Sebuah Hati is scheduled to be released on Thursday, September 9, 2021, on the JK Records YouTube Channel at 17.00 WIB.

In addition, the latest album titled Berlalunya Sebuah Hati can also be listened to on various Digital Streaming Platforms such as YouTube Music, Spotify, Joox, Deezer, Langit Musik, and others.

The return of Ria Angelina in the Indonesian music scene, according to the singer under JK Records label who has released dozens of albums, is due to the requests from her fans, both from Indonesia and various other countries such as Malaysia, Brunei, Singapore, the Netherlands, the United States, and other countries. Ria cannot deny the requests from her fans, as they are the ones who have made her name grow.

“I have received numerous inquiries from fans through my social media accounts and also through JK's social media, asking 'when will Ria sing again?' So I told Mas Nyonyo and it was well received. Not long after, I was given several songs and then I recorded them,” said Ria when met at the JK Records office in Jakarta on Friday (3/9).

1. Many Want to Meet

Ria said that many of her fans also want to meet her in person, but because she is busy, she cannot fulfill their wishes.

"Finally, we chat and miss each other through social media/Facebook. They said they miss my voice," said Ria.

The album Begitu Berarti (2003) is Ria's last album, and for more than 18 years she has been inactive in the singing world. According to Ria, her inactivity in the singing world is not only because she is busy taking care of her family, but also to give opportunities to new singers.

"There are also many juniors in JK, so let the juniors perform first. I am also busy taking care of my family and children," explained the singer.


The album Berlalunya Sebuah Hati tells the story of the end of a relationship that has ended and passed. This album contains 9 songs including Senandung Dua Hati, Berlalunya Sebuah Hati, Ingatkah Kau Padaku, Sayang Selamat Malam, Kalau Tak Percaya Untuk Apa Lagi, Tak Mau Berkawan Dosa, Satu Rasa Satu Perasaan, Ketulusan Seorang Kekasih and Biar Kubawa Dukaku.

"The music and arrangements are different from my previous songs, and in this album the music is more contemporary and can appeal to all fans from various backgrounds, both young people and parents. Moreover, the songs are easy to remember and memorize. Hopefully, with this album, the longing of my fans, especially JK fans, can be satisfied and my songs can be accepted by all age groups, from teenagers to adults and parents," said Ria.

Meanwhile, Leonard 'Nyo' Kristianto, the producer, said that JK Records made this album Berlalunya Sebuah Hati because of the many requests from fans.

"So many requests, even through DM. Luckily, JK Records already has a song bank and the songs are suitable for Ria, originally there were 12 songs and after selection, only 9 songs remained," said the producer, who is commonly called Nyo.

3. Have Your Own Voice Character

Nyo also explained that Ria has her own unique voice character, so the songs in this album are all new songs that fit Ria's vocal character.

"Each singer has their own uniqueness and character as well as their own vocal color, so they can't be compared. A song from one singer may not necessarily be sung by another singer, not because it's not good but because it's not suitable and their vocal character may not come out,” she explained.

What's interesting and different is that in the album “Berlalunya Sebuah Hati’, some songs are sung as duets with a singer from a talent search, Lucky Octavian.

4. Hits Singer in the 80s

With the hope that Lucky's fans know that the singer who was a hit in the 80s is making a comeback. Not only that, the general public should also know that JK Records' songs are not old songs but new and good songs.

"I have tried several singers to audition for a duet with Ria, and it turns out that it's more suitable to duet with Lucky, who has a stronger voice, while Ria has a softer voice,” concluded Nyo.Fah.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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