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Cynthiara Alona Accused of Being the Owner of an Online Prostitution Nest Hotel, Now a Suspect and Detained in Detention Center

Cynthiara Alona Accused of Being the Owner of an Online Prostitution Nest Hotel, Now a Suspect and Detained in Detention Center Cynthiara Alona has been declared a suspect © Akrom Sukarya - Cynthiara Alona has been officially declared a suspect in a case of owning a hotel located on Jalan Lestari, Kelurahan Kreo, Kecamatan Larangan, Kota Tangerang, which was used as a place for online prostitution. The 35-year-old woman has undergone an examination process (BAP) at the Jakarta Metro Police.

This was stated by lawyer Agustinus Nahak when met at the Jakarta Metro Police, South Jakarta, on Thursday (18/3) afternoon. He said his client came to the Jakarta Metro Police at 02.00 AM for questioning by investigators.

"At 02.00 AM, Ms. Cynthiara came to the Jakarta Metro Police for the BAP, after that she was declared a suspect," said Agus Tinus Nahak.


1. Reasons Why Cynthiara Alona is Declared a Suspect

To the media, Agus revealed that Alona is currently detained at the Jakarta Metropolitan Police. However, Agus stated that he will meet with the investigators to question Alona's status as a suspect, as he believes that his client was not present at the location during the raid at the hotel.

"Until now, she is still being held at the Jakarta Metropolitan Police. I have to meet with the investigators and the head of the Criminal Investigation Unit to ask why our client is declared a suspect. Because she was not at the scene," he said.

"She came here (to the Jakarta Metropolitan Police) for questioning and to see her employees. Why was she suddenly declared a suspect?" he continued.


2. Online Prostitution Perpetrators Also Caught

Previously, Alona Hotel located in Lestari Street, Kreo Village, Larangan District, Tangerang City, was raided by the police for being used as an online prostitution venue. The raid took place around 23:30 WIB (16/3) on Tuesday night.

Not only that, it was reported that dozens of online prostitution perpetrators who were caught were immediately transported to the Jakarta Metropolitan Police. From the raid, the police found evidence of drugs and conducted urine tests on the visitors. After that, the police also managed to apprehend one person who tested positive for drugs.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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