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Darius Sinathrya's Adult Scene with Carissa Perusset in the Movie 'POSSESSION', Donna Agnesia Gives Support

Darius Sinathrya's Adult Scene with Carissa Perusset in the Movie 'POSSESSION', Donna Agnesia Gives Support - Darius Sinathrya stars in a horror film titled POSSESSION, which is a remake of the French film of the same name released in 1981. He portrays the character of a husband named Faris who tries to find out why his wife wants to divorce him.

For the needs of the story, Darius has an adult scene with his co-star Carissa Perusset. Although there was no intimacy coordinator involved in the production of this film, Darius and Carissa asked for each other's permission before doing the scene.

"For this project, there is no intimacy coordinator yet. But everything (scenes) was discussed early on, we discussed what the treatment would be like. What is expected, how we should feel comfortable. Once we're on set, we just do it and focus on the scene," said Darius when met at Plaza Indonesia, Thamrin area, Central Jakarta, last Friday (3/5/2024).

1. Support Despite Knowing the Risks

Before taking on a role with adult scenes, Darius Sinathrya had already asked for permission and discussed it with his wife, Donna Agnesia. Knowing how important this project is, Donna fully supports it.

"POSSESSION is something that as an actor I may not get the chance to do again. Donna knows that, so from the beginning, she has been very supportive even though she knows the risks I have to take in doing scenes that I have never done before," said Darius.

2. Won't Hurt

Darius Sinathrya said that he and Donna Agnesia always support each other. From the first year of their marriage to the fifteenth, Darius assures that he won't hurt his wife.

"After 15 years of marriage, it feels like our relationship has grown more mature. Donna understands, and I trust myself not to hurt her because it is very important," Darius emphasized.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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