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Deciding to Divorce from Virgoun, Inara Rusli Admits She Was Afraid Allah Would Be Angry at Her

Deciding to Divorce from Virgoun, Inara Rusli Admits She Was Afraid Allah Would Be Angry at Her Inara Rusli officially divorced from Virgoun © Abbas Nugroho - Inara Rusli officially became a widow after her divorce lawsuit was granted by the West Jakarta Religious Court. Inara revealed her relief after five months of the process, she obtained an absolute victory.

After attending the verdict agenda, Inara performed a prostration of gratitude before leaving the courtroom. It was a form of gratitude because her path was made easier by Allah.

"That is my gratitude to Allah. Because who wants a divorce? Who wants to tell our shortcomings to everyone? I am defending my rights and my children," said Inara on Friday (10/11/2023).

1. Fear of Allah's Wrath

Furthermore, Inara Rusli expressed her fear of Allah's wrath for her decision to separate from Virgoun. However, she later realized that everything happens with His permission and hopes to continue receiving guidance.

"I was afraid of Allah for what I did. I was afraid of His wrath. Alhamdulillah, the verdict is a clear answer from Allah that what I did was right. Insha Allah," said Inara.

2. Relieved to Be a Widow

Inara Rusli is extremely relieved by the decision given by the Judges of the West Jakarta Religious Court. She hopes that in the future, it will be easier for her to provide for her children.

"Of course, I feel much relieved because there is no longer an internship phase, the status is clear, and there is a special privilege in the eyes of Allah as a widow. Because Allah honors that status, as we strive in the jihad to provide for our children," Inara said.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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