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Delete Memory Photos, These are 10 Portraits of Ayus Sabyan that Still Exist on Ririe Fairus' Instagram

Delete Memory Photos, These are 10 Portraits of Ayus Sabyan that Still Exist on Ririe Fairus' Instagram


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Delete Memory Photos, These are 10 Portraits of Ayus Sabyan that Still Exist on Ririe Fairus' Instagram

Facing a divorce trial with Ayus Sabyan, Ririe Fairus decided to delete their memory photos on Instagram. Disappointed with Ayus who has not come to fulfill the court's summons, Ririe only left a few photos of Ayus with their children. Curious about what they look like?


Disappointed with Ayus Sabyan who has not attended the court's summons, Ririe Fairus decided to delete their memory photos on Instagram.


No more intimate photos of them as a couple, now Ririe only keeps portraits of Ayus together with their children.


One of them is as clearly seen in the portrait above, a moment where Ayus enjoys playing in the rain with his beloved child.


In this photo, Ririe wrote a sweet caption that says, "Beloved."


Nevertheless, there is also a photo of Ririe joining and spending time with her small family.


However, netizens can no longer find photos of Ririe and Ayus alone or looking romantic like before.


When asked about this, Ririe admitted that she just wants to clean up her Instagram account.

Delete Memory Photos, These are 10 Portraits of Ayus Sabyan that Still Exist on Ririe Fairus' Instagram

"It's okay, just clean it up," said Ririe Fairus when met at the North Jakarta Religious Court on Wednesday (17/3).


Apparently, Ririe wants to completely forget her past with Ayus and focus on raising her child with love and affection.

Delete Memory Photos, These are 10 Portraits of Ayus Sabyan that Still Exist on Ririe Fairus' Instagram

The remaining photos of Ayus on Ririe's Instagram are still flooded with comments from netizens. Many also tagged Nissa Sabyan's account in their posts.