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Demanding IDR 1.2 Billion, Denny Sumargo Denies Hitting Former Manager

Demanding IDR 1.2 Billion, Denny Sumargo Denies Hitting Former Manager Denny Sumargo © Sumargo - Artist and basketball player Denny Sumargo is currently in a dispute with his former manager, identified as DA. In fact, Denny has taken legal action by reporting DA to the police.

Before reporting DA to the police, Denny admitted that he had tried a more subtle approach by asking for the return of money that had been embezzled by DA. However, those efforts were unsuccessful.

Furthermore, Denny stated that in his pursuit of his rights, he denied having committed any acts of violence. Moreover, he did not hit DA as widely discussed.

"When I visited his place, he was not there. But his assistant allowed me to enter to resolve this issue. However, there was no response and in the end, we left without causing any damage, violence, or assault," said Denny Sumargo in Jakarta, Thursday (30/9/2021).

1. Not Beating Former Manager

Denny asserts that if there is an issue of violence against DA, it is a lie. "Because out there, there are rumors circulating from mouth to mouth. Even one of my celebrity friends asked, why did you enter someone's house by force and assault. That means someone said something. I said, that's not true. That means there is an opinion that I have to clarify," said Denny.

Denny reported DA to the Jakarta Metro Police with allegations of falsifying financial reports and embezzling funds on Wednesday (29/9/2021). Denny claimed that he suffered billions of rupiah in material losses due to his former manager's actions.

"Part of it has been paid, 500 million. The rest (that hasn't been paid) is around 739 million," said Denny Sumargo.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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