Denise Chariesta recently opened a donation for herself. Interestingly, she also admitted to spending Rp1 million a day for 7 meals. She openly hopes to receive more donations until November. Check out more details!
Celebrity Activities
Denise Chariesta recently opened a donation for herself. Interestingly, she also admitted to spending Rp1 million a day for 7 meals. She openly hopes to receive more donations until November. Check out more details!
Creating sensation again after previously admitting to being a mistress, this time Denise claims to be pregnant. Many people do not believe her confession.
MoreNevertheless, Denise continues to convince the public through ultrasound posts. Interestingly, she even opened a donation to help cover her childbirth expenses.
MoreQuoted from her Youtube channel, Denise revealed that she only has Rp200,000 left in her balance. She hopes that netizens will continue to donate until Rp100 million is collected before her delivery day.
MoreNot only that, Denise also revealed her expenses during pregnancy. One of the expenses that stands out is the cost of food. Denise spends Rp1 million per day for meals.
MoreAccording to her, she has cravings for various expensive foods. She can eat up to 6-7 times a day. The food she buys is considered luxurious, such as sushi and salmon.
MoreWith such high expenses, Denise hopes that netizens will work harder to be able to donate to her. She also asks celebrities to donate as well.
MoreAccording to her Instagram, many netizens have donated even just Rp1 rupiah. Denise expresses her gratitude for any donation given.
Despite asking for donations, Denise admits that she is still working and selling flowers. She doesn't want to burden her parents, so she asks for donations from netizens.
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