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Desiree Tarigan's Marriage, Bams' Ex Samsons' Mother, Threatened with Divorce, Allegedly Separated from Hotma Sitompul

Desiree Tarigan's Marriage, Bams' Ex Samsons' Mother, Threatened with Divorce, Allegedly Separated from Hotma Sitompul Desiree Tarigan - Bams © - The household of Bams, former member of Samsons, is reportedly on the brink of collapse. According to circulating information, Bams' mother, Desiree Tarigan, has been divorced by her husband, Hotma Sitompul.

What is more attention-grabbing is that Desiree Tarigan and Hotma Sitompul are suspected to have been separated for a long time. They no longer live under the same roof for some time now.

Not just a rumor, this news was confirmed directly by top lawyer Hotman Paris Hutapea through an interview with Star Update recently. It was revealed there that Desiree Tarigan has asked for his help and has given power of attorney for this divorce matter.

1. New Stage of Warning

"It is true that his wife (Desiree Tarigan) has given my office power of attorney, but regarding legal steps we still need to discuss further with the client. But what is clear is that she signed the power of attorney 2 days ago," said Hotman Paris Hutapea.

He continued, "First, she came to my house about 1.5 weeks ago. She came with her husband, Bams, and their other child, telling me about all the problems that exist, saying that she is now living in the neighboring house, at her mother's house. This is not (a divorce lawsuit), it's still the stage of power of attorney, still the stage of warning."

2. Desiree's Post

Amidst the uproar of this divorce news, Desiree chooses not to remain silent. Through her Instagram account, this woman known for her eternal youthfulness uploaded her latest post while expressing her gratitude for all the support that has come during difficult times like now.

"Events come and go with God's permission and finally time will speak. Thank you for the attention and prayers from friends that mean a lot to mom," she wrote.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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