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Didi Kempot Passed Away, Tarzan: He is the Most Humble Person

Didi Kempot Passed Away, Tarzan: He is the Most Humble Person Kapanlagi - Member of the comedy group Srimulat, Tarzan also feels the loss of Didi Kempot. Didi Kempot's sudden departure also surprised Tarzan and he initially couldn't believe it.

"After suhoor, I usually sleep until dawn, but my child woke me up around 8 o'clock and said, 'Dad, why did Butet Kertaradjasa post on Instagram saying goodbye to Didi Kempot? Can it be true?' I called my friend in Solo, and he said, 'Yes, it's true.'" Tarzan said when met in Tendean, South Jakarta, on Tuesday (5/5).

1. A Humble Figure

Longtime friends, Tarzan revealed the figure of Didi Kempot whom he considers to be very humble. For example, even when tired, Didi Kempot always made time to meet his seniors. “He is the most humble person and always helps his friends. He is a humble person, even when tired, he respects others, sacrifices himself, that is a characteristic of humility,” he said. “Even when tired, for example, like this, we met at the airport at night in Jakarta, in the afternoon in Wonogiri, and then at night somewhere else. Going out of town continuously for a day,” Tarzan continued.

2. Proud of His Success

Tarzan also feels very proud of Didi Kempot's current success, which can be said to be at the peak of his career. “This is truly amazing for Didi Kempot. Just imagine, from traditional language, he can reach an international audience. Foreigners may not understand Javanese, but they accept it,” he concluded. Didi Kempot passed away after suffering a heart attack earlier this morning, Tuesday, (5/5). The singer of Sewu Kutho took his last breath at 07:45 AM at RS Kasih Ibu, Solo.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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