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Difficult Life in Youth, Denny Sumargo Reveals Having Eaten from Trash

Difficult Life in Youth, Denny Sumargo Reveals Having Eaten from Trash Denny Sumargo © Herdianto - Denny Sumargo is now one of the living legends of the country's basketball. Besides being a basketball player, this 38-year-old man has also started his new job as an entertainer. However, who would have thought that Denny Sumargo had experienced a difficult life?

It was revealed when Densu collaborated with Pandji Pragiwaksono some time ago. At that time, the actor in the movie 5 CM told how he survived when his family's economy was in a difficult situation.

1. Often Entrusted to Relatives or Neighbors

Born into a modest family and relying on his mother's work, Denny Sumargo's family's economic condition at that time was far from sufficient.

He also shared how when his mother was working, he had to be entrusted to relatives or neighbors' houses.

"So my journey is somewhat unique compared to others. Since I was young, I had family problems, where I ended up relying on others. Then my mom worked and couldn't bring me along, so I had to be entrusted. And I was a bit mischievous, so I often experienced being expelled," said Denny Sumargo as quoted from Pandji Pragiwaksono's YouTube channel not long ago.

2. Surviving

Experiencing many expulsions due to being a little mischievous, Denny Sumargo eventually chose to live on the streets. And he had to survive in very unfavorable conditions.

He did various jobs just to afford a meal. In fact, if he didn't work, he was willing to take leftover food thrown away in the trash.

"Finally, I lived on the streets, became a minibus driver, and learned to survive. Since I was young, my survival instinct was already developed. I've eaten from the trash and experienced various things," he explained.

Because his survival instinct had been tested since childhood, Densu wanted to prove that he could succeed. And he achieved success when he started playing basketball, which made him a legend as he is today.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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