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Dinar Candy Seeks a Paid Boyfriend Because It's Hard to Find a Match and Willing to Pay Rp100 Million, Interested?

Dinar Candy Seeks a Paid Boyfriend Because It's Hard to Find a Match and Willing to Pay Rp100 Million, Interested? Dinar Candy (credit: instagram @dinar_candy) - Having a beautiful face and sexy body is not a guarantee to easily find a partner. DJ Dinar Candy admitted that she has been having a hard time finding a boyfriend.

For that reason, the woman born on April 21, 1993 plans to make an announcement on her social media account to find a paid lover. Are you interested?

"Because it's really hard for me to find a match, so I want to pay a guy just to accompany me," she said when met in the Kapten Tendean area, Mampang, South Jakarta, Wednesday (13/1).

"Because in 2020, many people got married, while I didn't. So I want to pay a guy just to take pictures with me, so it's sweet," she continued.

1. Already Prepared Budget

Even Dinar Candy has prepared a large budget to realize her intention. The man she chooses will be with her for a whole month.

"Yes, it can be 100 million for a month. Let's negotiate. The job is easy, accompany me to the mall, tiktok, take photos for Instagram. That's it, simple," she explained.


2. Already Pessimistic

The woman who once sold her underwear did this because she has been pessimistic for a long time without having a boyfriend. Moreover, her parents have often asked about marriage.

"Every time we meet, they ask for a son-in-law. I tell them it's difficult to find a boyfriend," she concluded.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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Indah Permatasari's Mother Will Give Her Blessing for Her Child's Marriage to Arie Kriting as Long as She Meets Her Requirements

Indah Permatasari's Mother Will Give Her Blessing for Her Child's Marriage to Arie Kriting as Long as She Meets Her Requirements

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Indah Permatasari's Mother Will Give Her Blessing for Her Child's Marriage to Arie Kriting as Long as She Meets Her Requirements