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Doctor Reza Gladys Reports Artist NM to the Police for Alleged Violations of the ITE Law and Money Laundering

Doctor Reza Gladys Reports Artist NM to the Police for Alleged Violations of the ITE Law and Money Laundering doctor Reza Gladys - Credit: - A celebrity with the initials NM has been reported to the Metro Jaya Police by doctor Reza Gladys regarding alleged violations of the Electronic Information and Transactions Law (ITE Law) and money laundering crimes (TPPU).

This report was filed on December 3, 2024, and confirmed by the legal representative of the doctor and influencer, Julianus Paulus Sembiring. He stated that the report is not only directed at NM but also several other parties involved. His team has also submitted various pieces of evidence to the police to support the report.

"I am the legal advisor for Dr. Reza Gladys based on the power of attorney dated December 13, 2024," Julianus told the media on Tuesday (February 4, 2025).

"Our client has filed a police report at the Metro Jaya Police with report number LP7355 dated December 3, 2024, where our client has reported an individual with the initials NM and associates, once again I emphasize with the initials NM and associates," he continued.

1. Allegations of Money Laundering

In addition to being related to the ITE Law, this report also includes allegations of money laundering. Julianus emphasized that the evidence collected points to serious legal violations.

"It is strongly suspected that a crime has been committed as per Article 27B paragraph 2 of Law Number 1 of 2024 concerning ITE," he stated.

He added that all necessary documents and evidence have been submitted to the authorities in accordance with applicable legal provisions.

"We would like to convey that our client has submitted the evidence as per the creation of evidence in Article 184 of the Criminal Code and the Constitutional Court decision number 21 of 2014," he said.

2. Optimistic

With this evidence, Julianus is optimistic that investigators will soon establish suspects in this case. He also reminded the public not to be easily influenced by opinions that may be constructed by NM on social media or other platforms.

"What does this mean? That our client has fulfilled that evidence and we ensure this will lead to suspects as we have reported," he said.

"The evidence we present will become legal facts so that the investigators at the Metro Jaya Police, specifically the Cyber Directorate of the Metro Jaya Police, can uncover this case and promptly establish suspects and apprehend the perpetrators," he added.

3. Response from Metro Jaya Police

Meanwhile, the Head of Public Relations of the Metro Jaya Police, Kombes Ade Ary Syam Indradi, stated that the police are still checking the report submitted by Reza Gladys.

"We will check the update first to ensure the details are accurate later," said Ade Ary when met at the Metro Jaya Police.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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