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Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Boy William Develops a Fondness for Karaoke at Home

Due to the Covid-19 Pandemic, Boy William Develops a Fondness for Karaoke at Home Boy William (Credit: - Almost all celebrities in Indonesia have their own entertainment while being quite busy. To avoid getting stressed because of their many jobs, they usually take some time to refresh their minds. Starting from attending concerts, playing games, going on vacations, to watching movies.

The same goes for the film actor and presenter Boy William. Amidst his busy schedule, Boy William always takes some time to do karaoke. He intentionally does this to refresh his mind amidst the hectic schedule.


1. Really Likes Karaoke

"Before the pandemic, I used to do karaoke a lot, it was my entertainment if I didn't go to the cinema. Now suddenly due to the pandemic, I can't do anything, so I do karaoke at home," said Boy William at the launch of the Mydio Sing Musictainment application, at Fieris Hotel Rawamangun, East Jakarta, Saturday (10/4/2021).

Unfortunately, due to the Covid-19 pandemic, this habit is rarely done by the 29-year-old artist. Automatically, Boy William looks for another way to continue doing karaoke, which is by doing karaoke at home through the Mydio Sing Musictainment application that is streamed to the television.


2. Can Use Mobile Phones

"It's really cool to be a new breakthrough, now we can't do karaoke because of the pandemic, and even without the pandemic, I don't feel like doing karaoke because of the traffic, gathering friends, and not having a full room. Now there is an application that can be used on mobile phones," said Boy William.

For Boy William, karaoke at home is no different from karaoke places that already exist. It's possible for Boy William to invite friends and his future wife, Karen Vendela, to karaoke together at home.


3. Remember Mother's Message

"Sure, you (media) can also do karaoke, let's play," concluded Boy William.

Staying at home more and finding activities can be a good idea in the midst of a pandemic. In addition, always remember to #IngatPesanIbu (Remember Mother's Message). Wear a mask, wash hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. Hopefully, KLovers always stay healthy!



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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