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Dul Jaelani's Hairstyle Becomes the Center of Attention Again, Tissa Biani: Cool

Dul Jaelani's Hairstyle Becomes the Center of Attention Again, Tissa Biani: Cool Tissa Biani and Dul Jaelani (Photo Credit: Eka Permana) - Abdul Qodir Jaelani or familiarly known as Dul often steals attention through his works in music. Not only that, the youngest son of Ahmad Dhani from his marriage with Maia Estianty also often becomes the center of attention because of his unusual appearance.

According to Dul, when it comes to fashion, he doesn't like to follow current trends. He tends to prefer vintage clothing that not many other people wear.

"I like vintage. I wear what other people rarely wear. I don't like brands that many people wear," said Dul when met in the Mampang area, South Jakarta, on Monday (20/6/2022).


1. Considered Bold

For his hairstyle, Dul is also considered bold. Dul once caught attention by straightening his hair and coloring it bright yellow.

Now, Dul, who usually appears with curly hair, straightens his hair again with a slightly reddish color.

"It's been a long time (since I had this hairstyle), but it rarely appears on TV," said Dul when asked about his new hairstyle.


2. Tissa Biani Praises

Tissa Biani, who was beside Dul, then praised her boyfriend's latest hairstyle.

"Cool, so it's not boring in every appearance," she said.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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