Wulan Guritno often showcases moments with her eldest daughter, Shalom Razade. Recently, they showed their togetherness again while playing tennis together. This mother and daughter duo caught the attention of netizens.
Celebrity Children
Wulan Guritno often showcases moments with her eldest daughter, Shalom Razade. Recently, they showed their togetherness again while playing tennis together. This mother and daughter duo caught the attention of netizens.
Wulan Guritno seems to be enthusiastically pursuing her new hobby, tennis.
Wulan's skills have improved after several training sessions.
And it turns out she's not alone, Wulan also invited Shalom to practice tennis together.
Once again, this mother and daughter duo caught the attention of netizens. Their beauty is captivating!
So far, Shalom and Wulan have often shared pictures of themselves while doing activities together.
Many say that Wulan and Shalom look like siblings. Equally beautiful and charming.
Wulan and Shalom never fail to captivate netizens with their beauty. Agree, KLovers?
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