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7 Latest Portraits of Eleeya, Celine Evangelista's Daughter with Dirly Idol, Growing Up as a Teenager - Her Beauty is Increasingly Stunning

7 Latest Portraits of Eleeya, Celine Evangelista's Daughter with Dirly Idol, Growing Up as a Teenager - Her Beauty is Increasingly Stunning Eleeya Xaviera Sompie (credit: - The life of beautiful artist Celine Evangelista is always in the spotlight. Including Eleeya Xaviera Sompie, the fruit of her marriage with Dirly Idol.

Succeeding in her career as a celebrity, making the name of Celine Evangelista increasingly popular among the public. However, the love life of this 32-year-old beautiful artist is not as smooth as imagined.

Because it is known that Celine has failed to build a household twice. From her two marriages, she was blessed with four children. One of them is Eleeya, the daughter of her marriage with Dirly Idol who is now growing up as a teenager.

Want to see the latest portraits of Eleeya, Celine Evangelista's daughter? Let's check it out here KLovers.




1. Aged 9 Years Old

Eleeya Xaviera Sompie is the daughter of Celine Evangelista's marriage with singer Dirly Idol. Previously, they also adopted a daughter named Jemima Guri Clementine Sompie. Eleeya was born on September 1, 2012. Currently, Celine's second child is already 9 years old. Therefore, in September 2022, Eleeya will turn 10 years old.




2. Her Beauty is Increasingly Stunning

Celine Evangelista is known as an artist with a beautiful and charming face. It's no wonder that her children also have beautiful faces. One of them, Eleeya, looks even more beautiful as seen in this portrait. Some netizens even praised Eleeya's face. However, many also say that Eleeya really looks like her father, Dirly Idol.




3. Always Want to Look Like Mommy

Recently, Celine Evangelista uploaded a moment of togetherness with her daughters during a photoshoot. Interestingly, both of Celine's daughters, Jemima and Eleeya, are said to always want to look like their mommy. Especially Eleeya who apparently looks like her mommy in appearance.

"Eleeya is like her mommy, a bit fussy, haha. Understandably, very girly, haha," wrote Celine Evangelista in the caption @celine_evangelista.




4. Very Close with Siblings

Celine Evangelista's children are known to always be close and tight with each other. Various moments of togetherness of the four of them are often shared by Celine via her personal Instagram account. Moreover, Celine also created a personal Instagram account for her four children with the account name @jelley.koaci. The account even has hundreds of thousands of followers. Meanwhile, this is one of the proofs of Eleeya's closeness with her siblings. So sweet, KLovers?




5. Like Siblings When Together with Mom

Celine Evangelista is known for her beautiful and youthful face. Although she is now over thirty, Celine's charm never fades with time. It's no wonder that when she's with her children, Celine looks like their sibling instead. Like in this portrait, when Celine and Eleeya take a selfie together. Like siblings, KLovers?




6. Her Voice is Melodious and Beautiful

Born to parents who are artists and singers, it's no wonder that Eleeya inherited her father's talent. This was evident when Celine shared a moment of Eleeya singing several songs on her personal Instagram account. Hearing Eleeya's singing ability, several netizens even praised her melodious voice, which is very charming even though she is still young.




7. Stylish

Eleeya is also very stylish like her mother. Eleeya's adorable poses with her appearance are always so captivating, as seen in this portrait. Not only with her fashion style, but Eleeya has also appeared with various hair style models. Meanwhile, on Eleeya's birthday in 2021, Celine gave sweet words to her beloved daughter, wishing her to receive lots of love and honor.

Those are some portraits of Eleeya, the daughter of Celine Evangelista and Dirly Idol. What do you think, KLovers?





Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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