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Exciting and Fun, Here are 7 Pictures of Ashanty - Anang Hermansyah Family Vacation in America

Exciting and Fun, Here are 7 Pictures of Ashanty - Anang Hermansyah Family Vacation in America Anang Hermansyah Family Vacation to America (Credit: Instagram/azriel_hermansyah/ananghijau) ananghijau) - Through photos uploaded on Instagram, it was known that Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah are currently traveling abroad. A few days ago, they also announced that their destination this time is America.

From the moment they left until they arrived in New York, it was clear that Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah's family vacation was lively and full of excitement. It wasn't just a vacation, their trip to America this time was also due to an important agenda, which was to accompany Arsy for a singing competition.

As a form of support for their daughter, they also brought a team to prepare for Arsy's performance. For those of you who want to know more about their excitement, let's take a look at the following pictures of Ashanty - Anang Hermansyah family vacation in America.


1. Departing to America

Ashanty and Anang Hermansyah's family is currently in America. This news has been known to the public since their departure. Shortly before boarding the plane, they took a photo together and uploaded it on Instagram. Knowing their plans, Atta Halilintar as their son-in-law reminded the family to always be careful.


2. Snapshot Inside the Plane

The family also captured the moment inside the plane. One of the photos was uploaded by Azriel Hermansyah. In the photo, Azriel took a selfie while holding her younger sister, Arsy.


3. Cheerful Arsy and Arsya

After arriving in America, Ashanty shared her children's happiness through Instagram Story. With the caption "a morning in New York," Arsy and Arsya were seen singing while looking out the window. In addition, Azriel also captured her sister's happiness while strolling in Time Square. With the two children's behavior, their trip already felt lively, KLovers!


4. Compact in Creating Content

On this family vacation, Anang Hermansyah's family was seen being compact in creating content together. Their trip felt even more exciting. Anang, Ashanty, and Azriel shared a before-after video of their journey from Jakarta to New York via Instagram.


5. Strolling in Time Square

In America, Anang Hermansyah's family also strolled in Time Square. Time Square, which is a crossroads of art and commerce, is famous for tourists to visit during their vacation. Anang Hermansyah himself said that it was an inspiring place.

"Late afternoon in #timesquare inspiring place guys," wrote Anang Hermansyah in the caption column.

6. Accompanying Arsy in a Competition

Not only for vacation, Anang's family has an important agenda regarding their daughter, Arsy Hermansyah, in America. This was conveyed by Ashanty through a video on The Hermansyah A6 Youtube channel when visiting Fairuz's house before departing to America.

"We're going to America for a long time, and this is a competition," said Ashanty while pointing to Arsy.


7. Inviting the Team

Because Anang Hermansyah's family's agenda in going to America is not only for vacation, they also prepared a team for their daughter's competition. The team, which consists of vocal lesson teachers, MUA, hairdo, and fashion stylists, also took a photo together before boarding the plane.

KLovers, those are the series of fun activities of Ashanty and Anang's family during their vacation in America.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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