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Experience Ramadan in the Midst of the Divorce Process with Ria Ricis, Teuku Ryan: The Key is to be Sincere

Experience Ramadan in the Midst of the Divorce Process with Ria Ricis, Teuku Ryan: The Key is to be Sincere Teuku Ryan - Moana © - The arrival of Ramadan this year is greeted by Teuku Ryan with a different state of mind. As known, his marriage with Ria Ricis is on the rocks after his wife filed for divorce at the South Jakarta Religious Court.

Although in an unfavorable condition, Ryan tries to perform his religious duties to the best of his ability. The key is to sincerely go through everything that has been ordained.

"The key is to be sincere, calm, cleanse our hearts and minds so that no negativity enters our hearts and causes harm to our bodies," said Ryan when met in the Blok M area, South Jakarta, recently.

1. Enjoy Fasting Together with Moana

Although he has to go through a trial process during this year's Ramadan, there is still a sense of joy in Teuku Ryan's heart. Because he can fast together with his beloved child, Moana, from his relationship with Ria Ricis.

"What's certain is that I'm very happy because I'm with my little one," said the twenty-nine-year-old man.

Furthermore, Ryan hopes that there won't be any difference in this year's Ramadan compared to previous years. "There's no difference, we hope for the same thing," he emphasized.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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