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Feeling Tired and Down, Bryan Domani Admits Wanting to Quit Acting World

Feeling Tired and Down, Bryan Domani Admits Wanting to Quit Acting World - A surprising confession has just been made by Bryan Domani. Recently, the 22-year-old actor admitted that he had wanted to end his illustrious career in the acting world. The thought had crossed his mind when he was feeling extremely exhausted. He wanted to withdraw from the industry that had made his name famous.

"I once thought about quitting acting altogether. At that time, I was feeling down and tired. Life has its ups and downs, and I was feeling tired of acting and falling behind in my religious studies," said Bryan, who was met in the Cempaka Putih area, South Jakarta, on Friday (8/6/2023).

1. Experienced by Other Actors and Actresses

It turns out that what Bryan Domani felt had also been experienced by other actors and actresses. When they were tired of working, the desire to quit would arise.

"Most actors and actresses who play in movies always have the feeling that they want to quit. This industry is really beautiful, I love it. But sometimes it can be tiring," said Bryan.

2. A Beautiful Story

When he was tired of his routine as an actor and had declined several job offers, suddenly the role of Ameer Azzikra in the film 172 DAYS came along. After reading the script, Bryan Domani finally agreed to join.

"I'm in the process of conversion, there are difficulties and easiness. Previously, there were several job offers that didn't feel right, and then suddenly I was given this one. At first, I only read the synopsis, it was interesting. After I was given the fourth draft script, I decided to take this role. Because the story is quite beautiful. Allah gave me this guidance to take it," said Bryan firmly.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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