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Once Highlighted for Being Handsome like a Foreigner, Here are 7 Portraits of Cannavaro, Eko Patrio's Son, during Graduation

Once Highlighted for Being Handsome like a Foreigner, Here are 7 Portraits of Cannavaro, Eko Patrio's Son, during Graduation Portrait of Cannavaro, Eko Patrio's Son, who just Graduated (credit: instagram/ekopatriosuper) - Cannavaro, Eko Patrio's son, was once highlighted by netizens for his handsome and foreigner-like appearance. After a long absence from the spotlight, Cannavaro has just graduated from high school.

Through a post on her personal Instagram, Viona, Eko Patrio's wife, shared the moment of Cannavaro's graduation. In that moment, Cannavaro looked handsome and charming in his graduation gown.

Curious about what Cannavaro, Eko Patrio's son, looks like? Let's take a look at some of his portraits below.


1. Attended by Family

Here is a portrait of Eko Patrio's son, Cannavaro, during his graduation. Cannavaro's family attended the graduation ceremony, and like most families, they didn't miss the opportunity to take a family photo together.


2. Makes Parents Proud

Eko Patrio and Viona looked very happy and proud of Cannavaro's graduation. This was evident from the happy expressions and gleaming eyes of both Eko and Viona during the graduation ceremony.


3. Looks Handsome in Graduation Gown

Cannavaro himself looked cool in his graduation gown. Despite wearing a very loose-fitting gown, Cannavaro still looked handsome and charming as usual.


4. Still Attracts Attention

Cannavaro, who looked handsome during his graduation moment, remains the center of attention. Cannavaro's charm radiated throughout the graduation ceremony, earning him many praises from netizens.


5. Happy with Friends

During his graduation moment, Cannavaro looked very happy. Moreover, Cannavaro was able to celebrate his graduation with his school friends. Therefore, Cannavaro captured his last moments with his school friends in a photo together. In the photo, Cannavaro and his friends looked very happy.


6. When Climbing the Podium

Meanwhile, Viona, his mother, also captured the moment when Cannavaro climbed the podium. In that moment, Cannavaro looked brave and confident as he walked towards the podium to receive his graduation certificate.


7. Happy Smile

After coming down from the podium, Cannavaro couldn't hide his happiness. Cannavaro was always seen smiling happily and proudly. Cannavaro's smile made him even more handsome during the graduation moment.

Those are some portraits of Cannavaro, Eko Patrio's son, during his graduation. Congratulations on your graduation, Cannavaro!



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