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Flying Business Class, Sneak Peek of Jennifer Bachdim's Photos Taking 4 Children on Vacation to London Without Her Husband - Full Struggle When One is Fussy

Flying Business Class, Sneak Peek of Jennifer Bachdim's Photos Taking 4 Children on Vacation to London Without Her Husband - Full Struggle When One is Fussy Photos of Jennifer Bachdim with her 4 children on vacation in London (Source: Instagram/@jenniferbachdim) - The family life of Irfan Bachdim and Jennifer Bachdim along with their four children always attracts attention from the public because they look harmonious. While many celebrities choose to limit the number of children, this couple actually enjoys the lively atmosphere of their home with the presence of their children.

This time, Jennifer did something different by taking her four children on a trip abroad. This is the first time Jennifer has traveled only with her children without her husband. The journey started from Bali to London using business class flights, with the hope of being able to sit and relax during the long journey.

Interested in seeing Jennifer Bachdim's moments when she took her four children on vacation to London without her husband? Here are some excerpts summarized on Monday (20/05/2024).

1. Without Accompanying Husband

In her Instagram post, Jennifer Bachdim shared a portrait of her taking her 4 children on a vacation to London without her husband, Irfan Bachdim.

Jennifer Bachdim's four children, born from her marriage to Irfan Bachdim, joined her on this journey. They are Kiyomi Sue Bachdim, Kenji Zizou Bachdim, Kiyoji Kaynen Bachdim, and Kiro Zayden Bachdim.

Before departing, Jennifer and her children bid farewell to Irfan Bachdim. They flew from Bali to London in business class.

2. Taking Her 4 Children on Vacation

Traveling with four children alone presents many challenges, especially because they are still very young. Even the youngest one often needs to be carried, while Jennifer has to bring various belongings.

"Wow, what a fun journey. The entire journey from Bali to London is only with the children and me. Honestly, we are grateful to God that we could fly in business class, even though it's not the type of business class flight we hoped for," Jennifer wrote on Instagram.

3. Exhausting Flight

When inside the plane, the comfort usually felt by business class passengers cannot be enjoyed by Jennifer. She feels an extraordinary fatigue because she has to deal with the commotion caused by the children who take turns being fussy and sleeping in the seat next to her.

"My flight feels exhausting. Mostly sitting on the floor when the children take over the seats, some tantrums. When Kiyoji sleeps, Baby Kiro wakes up, and so on," said Jennifer.

4. New Experience with Children

Although the journey was tiring, Jennifer also felt happy because she gained new experiences with her children. Along the way, many people helped Jennifer and her children, so they did not experience significant difficulties.

"I am tired, but very happy and proud of my little crew, everyone helped, enjoyed the journey, and we had fun but of course there were some difficulties," she said.

5. Flood of Praise from Netizens

Transit in Dubai was necessary for Jennifer and her four children. The flight took 9 hours, with an additional 1 hour delay.

Jennifer's courage to travel with her four children without her husband received appreciation from netizens. Even though the challenge of bringing one child alone is already big, bringing four children abroad is a brave step.

"Mama Jen is amazing, no tantrums," wrote the account @gebbybriliany.

"Ah, can't say enough words, mommy is so strong! How can she bring 4 children without any tantrums on the way. I only have 2 children and I'm already lazy to leave the house," wrote the account @rennywardani.

"Waaaaa mama jenn is too cool," also wrote the account @risarahmaa.

6. Some Questions from Netizens About Jennifer Bachdim

7. What is Jennifer Bachdim's Ethnicity?

Jennifer, with a background of different cultures, has an Indonesian father and a German mother. Standing at 165 cm tall and weighing 47 kg, she is involved in the modeling world while also working at a company, applying the management and controlling knowledge she gained from school.

8. How Many Children Does Jennifer Bachdim Have with Irfan Bachdim?

From her marriage to Irfan Bachdim, Jennifer Bachdim has four children. Her children are named Kiyomi Sue Bachdim, Kenji Zizou Bachdim, Kiyoji Kaynen Bachdim, and Kiro Zayden Bachdim.

9. Who is Jennifer Bachdim's husband?

The official marriage between Irfan Bachdim, a handsome Dutch footballer, and Jennifer took place on July 8, 2011, despite their different religions.

10. What is Jennifer Bachdim's religion?

Irfan Bachdim is a Muslim, while Jennifer follows the Christian religion.

11. Where does Jennifer Bachdim live now?

After her career in Persis Solo ended, Jennifer and Irfan Bachdim decided to settle in Bali because they feel that their life is more comfortable and peaceful there.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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