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Former Colleague Suspected of Embezzling Fuji's Work Money Turns Out to be Fadly's Friend, Haji Faisal: We are All Disappointed and Surprised

Former Colleague Suspected of Embezzling Fuji's Work Money Turns Out to be Fadly's Friend, Haji Faisal: We are All Disappointed and Surprised - Fuji An is reportedly experiencing allegations of fraud committed by her former manager. Not only that, because of this, she suffered losses of billions of rupiah.

Surely not only Fuji, her family must also be disappointed with the behavior of her former colleague, especially since they have known each other for a long time. It turns out that this former colleague of Fuji is also one of Fadly's friends, Fuji's brother.

"I know him, he's Fadly's friend. When we started working, I myself made an agreement with him. Well, I think it's good because he's Fadly's friend," said Haji Faisal when met in the Tanah Abang area, Central Jakarta, on Monday (26/6).


1. Expressing Deep Disappointment

Haji Faisal, who trusted his daughter's coworker, certainly feels the same way, especially since he never expected this incident to happen.

Therefore, the Fuji family finally agreed to take their former manager to court. This is intended to serve as a deterrent for what he has done.

"Who would have thought something like this would happen. Fadly, as his friend, also didn't expect it," he said.

 "Yes, we are all disappointed and shocked," he concluded.


2. Reaching Billions of Rupiah

According to circulating news, the amount of money embezzled by Fuji's former coworker reached 1.5 billion. Fuji has also presented evidence of the embezzlement to their legal representative, Sandy Arifin.

Initially, Fuji and their family agreed to resolve this issue through familial and amicable means. However, after waiting, their former coworker disappeared and did not show any goodwill. Eventually, Fuji chose to resolve it through legal channels.



Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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