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Now Becoming an Official's Wife, Here are 7 Photos of Dine Mutiara Accompanying Sahrul Gunawan on Duty

Now Becoming an Official's Wife, Here are 7 Photos of Dine Mutiara Accompanying Sahrul Gunawan on Duty Sahrul Gunawan and Dine Mutiara (credit: - Officially married in May 2023, Sahrul Gunawan and Dine Mutiara seem to be happier enjoying their status as a married couple. Still a newlywed, Dine Mutiara doesn't miss the moment to accompany her husband on duty.

The new wife of Sahrul Gunawan is quite prominent despite not being from the artist circle. Besides being a politician, Dine Mutiara is known as the CEO of a hospital. Meanwhile, amidst her busy schedule, Sahrul Gunawan's wife takes the time to accompany him on duty.

Curious about the photos? You can check out the photos of Dine Mutiara accompanying Sahrul Gunawan on duty, even outside the city.



1. Now Becomes the Wife of an Official

Dine Mutiara is known as the new wife of Sahrul Gunawan, who was married in May 2023. Not from the celebrity circle, Sahrul Gunawan's wife has a profession that is not arbitrary. Apparently, Dine Mutiara is known as the CEO of a hospital in Bandung. Married to Sahrul Gunawan, Dine Mutiara is now the wife of an official. This is because the handsome actor and presenter has served as the Deputy Regent of Bandung.



2. Enjoying the Role as the Wife of an Official

Not only the CEO, Dine Mutiara is also known as a politician. It's no wonder that Sahrul Gunawan's new wife seems to enjoy her role as the wife of the Deputy Regent of Bandung. This is a portrait of Dine Mutiara accompanying her husband in carrying out his duties. Sahrul Gunawan's wife also appears to be able to adapt directly to her current position as the mother of the Deputy Regent of Bandung.



3. Accompanying on Duty

Through their personal social media account, this couple is quite active in sharing their activities. Including when Dine Mutiara accompanied her husband on duty on several occasions. Starting from visits to becoming a witness to marriage, Dine Mutiara faithfully accompanies her husband on duty.



4. Accompanying to Out of Town

In the midst of their busy schedule, Dine Mutiara also accompanied Sahrul Gunawan on duty out of town. Like in this portrait, when Dine Mutiara accompanied her husband on a business trip to Yogyakarta. In the Special Region, this celebrity couple enjoyed several interesting spots in Jogja. Previously, Dine Mutiara also visited Solo to accompany Sahrul Gunawan on duty.



5. Elegant Style

Like most government officials' wives, Dine Mutiara's style is also noteworthy. Moreover, Sahrul Gunawan's wife is known for her stylish and elegant attire. Often, Dine Mutiara wears formal batik clothing while accompanying her husband. As seen in this portrait, Dine Mutiara's style never fails to impress KLovers.



6. Matching Outfits with Husband

Still enjoying their moment as newlyweds, this couple also appears very coordinated. Sahrul Gunawan and his wife didn't miss the chance to wear matching outfits in this portrait. Their appearance always looks harmonious.



7. Happier Life

Now that he has remarried, Sahrul Gunawan's life after losing his widower status appears to be happier. As seen in this portrait, working with his wife makes tasks more enjoyable. Many netizens are moved by the togetherness of Sahrul Gunawan and his new wife.

That's the portrait of Dine Mutiara accompanying her husband while he serves as the Deputy Regent of Bandung. So harmonious, right KLovers?




Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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