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From Kris Dayanti to Vicky Shu, Here’s a List of Artists Who Lost in the 2024 Regional Elections

From Kris Dayanti to Vicky Shu, Here’s a List of Artists Who Lost in the 2024 Regional Elections List of Artists Who Lost in the 2024 Regional Elections (credit: instagram/krisdayantilemos/vickyshu) - The 2024 regional elections became a platform for celebrities to try their luck in the political arena. Several big names like Kris Dayanti, Vicky Prasetyo, and Ramzi also participated, running for various strategic positions. However, their efforts did not go smoothly.

Quick count results showed that the majority of artists who ran actually struggled to compete with more experienced political figures. The votes they received were often far from the target for victory, despite relying on their popularity.

This phenomenon captured public attention, raising the question: is popularity alone not enough to win the hearts of the people? Check out their journey in the 2024 regional elections below.

1. Kris Dayanti Loses Badly in Batu

Kris Dayanti, who was supported by PDIP and NasDem, ran as a candidate for Mayor of Batu alongside Kresna Dewanata Phrosakh. Unfortunately, the quick count results show that this pair only garnered 20.8 percent of the votes.

According to data from the Regional Election Desk of the National Unity and Politics Agency of Batu City, Kris Dayanti-Kresna ranked last among the three candidate pairs. Meanwhile, the pair Nurochman-Heli led with 50.5 percent of the votes, followed by Firhando-Rudi with 28.8 percent.

2. Ronal Surapradja and Gita KDI Fail in West Java

Ronal Surapradja, a comedian as well as a broadcaster, ran for Deputy Governor of West Java paired with Jeje Wiradinata. However, the quick count from Litbang Kompas shows that this pair only obtained 9.12 percent of the votes.

Gita KDI, a dangdut singer who also ran for Deputy Governor of West Java, did not fare any better. Paired with Acep Adang Ruhiat, they only achieved 10.23 percent of the votes according to the same quick count.

3. Hengky Kurniawan to Sahrul Gunawan Eliminated in Bandung Raya

Hengky Kurniawan, the incumbent Regent of West Bandung, is running again with Ade Sudrajat. Despite having experience as a regent, Hengky only managed to secure 23.96 percent of the votes based on the quick count by Indikator. They lost to the pair Jeje Govinda who led with 37.84 percent.

Meanwhile, in Bandung Regency, Sahrul Gunawan, who ran for Regent of Bandung with Gun Gun Gunawan, received 43.18 percent of the votes. However, this pair still lost to Dadang Supriatna-Ali Syakieb, who led with 56.82 percent of the votes.

4. Other Artists Who Failed in the 2024 Regional Elections

Several other artists also recorded unsatisfactory results. Vicky Prasetyo, a candidate for Regent of Pemalang, was in the lowest position according to the preliminary results from the General Election Commission (KPU).

In Cilacap, Vicky Shu, who ran as Deputy Regent with Awaluddin Muuri, only garnered 33.50 percent of the votes. Gilang Dirga and Alam Mbah Dukun also failed in their respective areas with very minimal vote counts.

5. Why did many artists lose in the 2024 Regional Elections?

The majority of artists lost due to a lack of experience in politics and campaign strategies that were not effective enough to compete with local political figures.

6. Is popularity enough to win in the Regional Elections?

No. Popularity helps attract attention, but factors such as work programs, credibility, and political experience are more decisive.

7. What is the impact of artists' defeat in the Regional Elections on their careers?

Most artists will return to the entertainment industry, but some will remain active in politics or social fields.

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Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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