The third child of Bung Karno, Rachmawati Soekarnoputri took her last breath at the age of 70 after being infected with the Covid-19 virus and treated at RSPAD, Jakarta. Therefore, her funeral followed the Covid protocol. Here are some photos!
Celebrity Death
The third child of Bung Karno, Rachmawati Soekarnoputri took her last breath at the age of 70 after being infected with the Covid-19 virus and treated at RSPAD, Jakarta. Therefore, her funeral followed the Covid protocol. Here are some photos!
This is the hearse that carried the late Rachmawati Soekarnoputri to her final resting place.
Several family members wearing black stood by the departure of the hearse.
Putra Rachmawati, Didi Mahardika, appeared unable to hold back tears and held the funeral car containing his mother.
The deceased's body was buried in the area of TPU Karet Bivak. Several officers were seen carrying the coffin.
The funeral of the deceased follows COVID protocols. Only officers are involved in the burial process.
During the burial, there were no family members near the officers.
The family waited a few meters away from Rachmawati's grave. They all wore black clothes in unity.
After the burial process according to the Covid protocol is completed, one by one the family members of the deceased approached the grave to scatter flowers.
Sadness is also evident on their faces over the departure of Rachmawati Soekarnoputri, who is loved by her family.
Once again, the Kapanlagi.com team mourns the passing of Rachmawati Soekarnoputri. May her good deeds be accepted by Allah SWT.
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The third child of Bung Karno, Rachmawati Soekarnoputri took her last breath at the age of 70.
Rachmawati Soekarnoputri has passed away. Find out more here!
Kejawen Paranormal Mbak You took her last breath on Thursday at RS Bintaro (1/7/2021). As a friend, Denny Darko remembers her as a gentle-hearted person.
Until now, Ki Manteb has been known as an inspirational figure in preserving Indonesian culture, especially Javanese culture.
Ki Manteb Sudarsono has passed away.
Denny Darko, who directly heard the prediction of when the Javanese paranormal Mbak You will die, speaks about the accuracy of the prediction. What did he say?
The family has not been able to determine the cause of paranormal Mbak You's death because they are still waiting for information and further instructions regarding whether the deceased was exposed to Covid or not.
Previously it was reported that Mbak You would be buried in her hometown of Salatiga, Central Java.
Sad news comes again from the entertainment world. Paranormal Mbak You passed away today, Thursday (1/7).
Before passing away, Mbak You had already predicted when she would be called by the Almighty God. To Denny Darko, a paranormal from Salatiga, she mentioned that her life would not be long.
Here are some unique facts about the late paranormal Mbak You that you may not know. Curious?
Mbak You passed away on the way to the hospital today, Thursday, (1/7).