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Funny Behavior of Raisa and Hamish Daud When Quiet at Home, Face Swap - Accompany Zalina Who is Dancing

Funny Behavior of Raisa and Hamish Daud When Quiet at Home, Face Swap - Accompany Zalina Who is Dancing Hamish Daud - Raisa (credit: Santoso - Akrom Sukarya) - Raisa and Hamish Daud seem to support the government's appeal to stay at home if there is no urgent need.

Yes, since the outbreak of the coronavirus in Indonesia, people have been asked to avoid crowds to prevent the spread of the virus from becoming more widespread.

To fill their free time at home, Raisa and Hamish apparently engage in various fun activities. Including playing the face swap feature that was popular on social media.

1. Play Face Swap Feature

The couple who got married in 2017 were seen having fun playing the face swap feature on their mobile phones. In the caption written by Raisa, she seemed surprised to see the changes that happened to her and Hamish's faces.

"Omg, this is the scariest thing @hamishdw #StayAtHome," Raisa wrote as quoted from her Instagram (20/3).

When Raisa's face turned into Hamish's, he then sang one of his wife's songs. Meanwhile, Raisa imitated the words usually spoken by her husband.

2. Accompany Zalina to Play

Spending more time at home allows Raisa and Hamish to have quality time with their beloved daughter, Zalina. Both of them were seen accompanying Zalina while she was playing.

In a short video uploaded by Raisa, Zalina looked happy dancing while listening to children's songs played for her. The sound of Hamish and Raisa's laughter could be heard as they watched their little daughter's antics.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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