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Don't Want to Miss Precious Moments, Sandra Dewi Never Plays Handphone When with Children

Don't Want to Miss Precious Moments, Sandra Dewi Never Plays Handphone When with Children Sandra Dewi (credit: Herdianto) - As a housewife who also has a lot of activities outside the house, Sandra Dewi has her own way to still have quality time with her husband and two children. After work, Sandra Dewi usually goes straight home.

“So if I work, then I go home as soon as possible, spend time with them, spend time with them and quality time,” said Sandra Dewi during a live conference with Lactogrow, Thursday (19/3).

1. Don't Want to Play with Cellphones

In addition, Sandra Dewi also never enjoys playing with cellphones when she is playing with her children. "Don't (when at) home, the children are playing, then play with cellphones. Don't do nothing with the children, play with cellphones. So I remind myself that when I'm with my children, please don't hold the cellphone," said the 36-year-old actress.

The same applies to her husband, Harvey Moeis. "Yes, I told my husband that we can't keep passing this moment, the children will keep growing and can't go back. If the children are sleeping, we can play with cellphones, I can use my cellphone while pumping breast milk, but not with the children," she said.

2. Children Need Attention

Because Sandra Dewi is very aware that her first child, Raphael Moeis, who is now 2 years old, wants to be noticed by both parents.

"My child often, even though I am next to him, he still says mommy love mommy, he wants to be noticed. Especially now that he is 2 years old and has a 6-month-old sibling. So I thought, wow, it turns out that children his age are happy to be noticed," Sandra Dewi concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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