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Gala Starts Searching for the Whereabouts of Her Parents, When She Saw a Photo of Vanessa and Aunt on TV, She Immediately Kissed Them

Gala Starts Searching for the Whereabouts of Her Parents, When She Saw a Photo of Vanessa and Aunt on TV, She Immediately Kissed Them Grandpa Faisal and Gala (credit: Special) - Vanessa Angel and Bibi Andriansyah have been gone forever for almost a month. But until now, news about the late family is still making headlines in various media, especially regarding Gala Sky Andriansyah's custody and inheritance.

Faisal and Dewi, the parents of the late Bibi, have just attended the Hotman Paris Show. In addition to answering many questions related to inheritance issues, they also reported on Gala's current condition.

When talking about Gala, Dewi as her grandmother became emotional and couldn't hold back her tears, remembering her late child and son-in-law.

1. Gala Getting Better

After discussing the late inheritance and custody of Gala's child, Hotman Paris Show co-host, Melaney Ricardo, asked Bu Dewi about Gala's condition. Many netizens are curious about Gala's news.

"Gala is getting better now. There's just a little bit of blue (bruise) in his eyes," said Bu Dewi.

2. Gala Misses Daddy

Melaney once stated that at Gala's age, he must have recognized his parents' faces. Bu Dewi then shared her experience when she took Gala for a walk with her friend.

"There was a time when we were invited by Ibu Anggi, her name, on a Saturday night, 'Come on, Mr. Haji, let's go for a walk, bring Gala along'. So we went to PIM. We had a meal there. Then while we were eating, Ibu Anggi's daughter-in-law came. Her body looks similar to Bibi. At first, Gala wanted to be carried, but when he saw her face, no.. (not his dad). It seems like his heart felt something. We cried when we saw that. Maybe he remembered his dad," said Bu Dewi while sobbing.

3. Kissing Vanessa and Bibi's Photo

Bu Dewi then told how Gala kept calling her parents' names when seeing Vanessa and Bibi's photo. The atmosphere became even more emotional.

"When we watch on TV, see mommy and daddy, Gala is like, 'Daddy, Mommy', kiss by him, 'Kiss, kiss', that's what he said," Bu Dewi said.

4. Hotman Ready to Help

At the end of the show, Hotman Paris firmly stated that he is ready to help Pak Faisal's family if they need assistance regarding custody or inheritance issues. He did this because he felt that Pak Faisal had been sincere all this time. Hotman's statement received applause from the people present in the studio.

5. Pak Faisal Will Continue to Fight

Pak Faisal also promised to fight for the custody rights and rights for his beloved grandchildren. What is KLovers' response?


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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