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Getting Tired Because of Being Pregnant, Does Siti Badriah Have to Sit in a Wheelchair Often?

Getting Tired Because of Being Pregnant, Does Siti Badriah Have to Sit in a Wheelchair Often? Instagram @sitibadriahh - The content of Siti Badriah is now four months old and of course at this age it is the most vulnerable time for a pregnant mother. Therefore, the condition must be tightly guarded. That's what Krisjiana Baharudin, who is now an alert husband, does.

As a prospective father, Krisjiana really pays attention to the condition of Siti Badriah, who often feels tired during pregnancy. Even, to avoid unwanted things, Krisjiana always brings a wheelchair for his wife. According to him, the pregnancy of the singer, who is familiarly called Sibad, is quite big even though the gestational age is only four months.


1. Easily Tired

"If that's true, she gets tired easily, that's why I always provide a wheelchair wherever we go so that she won't get too tired," said Krisjiana Baharudin when met in the Tendean area, South Jakarta, Monday (18/10).

"Her walk was also very slow, because her pregnancy is quite big, even though it's only five months," he continued. However, for Krisjiana, this is not a big problem because it is his responsibility. According to him, not everyone can experience the responsibility of taking care of a pregnant wife.

2. Patience

"But let's just be patient, because this is a moment that cannot be felt by most people. Alhamdulillah, we are given the opportunity to experience pregnancy, so let's just enjoy it, no matter if she gets angry or how she behaves, just go along with it. So, be more patient," said Krisjiana.

In addition, Krisjiana and Sibad admitted that they do not mind whether their child is born male or female. Both of them accept it, as long as the child can be born healthy and perfect in the future. "Whatever it is, we accept it because it is a blessing. What matters is that it is normal, perfect, and healthy," she concluded.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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