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Gisella Anastasia Wears New Shoes, Gempi Immediately Accuses Her Mother of Endorsing

Gisella Anastasia Wears New Shoes, Gempi Immediately Accuses Her Mother of Endorsing Gempi and Gisel © - It is no longer a secret that many Indonesian celebrities receive endorsements for various products, and they even earn income from promoting products on social media. One of the celebrities who is popular for endorsements is singer and actress Gisella Anastasia.

The woman who is commonly known as Gisel usually also gets endorsements for her little daughter who is getting more beautiful, cute, and smart every day, Gempita Nora. Speaking of endorsements, there is a funny moment that was uploaded by Gisel on Insta Story on Thursday afternoon (5/3/2020).

1. Accuse Mom of Endorsement

While Gisel was chatting with Gempi, her daughter from her marriage with Gading Marten, Gempi suddenly pointed at the shoes her mom was wearing. Being clever, Gempi immediately asked, "Nice shoes. Endorsement?" innocently.

"Oh, why are you like that? Why did you immediately ask about endorsement?" Gisel asked back.

"I just found out," Gempi replied.

2. Happy Not to Endorse

Apparently, Gisel had already explained the meaning of endorsement to her daughter. So when asked again if she thought her mom was endorsing something, Gempi nodded cutely.

"Today, mom is endorsing again, but there's nothing for Gempi," Gisel said.

Upon hearing what her mom said, Gempi was actually happy. "Luckily," she said, making everyone laugh.

Gempi is really funny. Stay healthy and happy, dear!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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