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Glenn Fredly Passed Away, Suspected to be Caused by This Disease

Glenn Fredly Passed Away, Suspected to be Caused by This Disease Instagram - Shocking news came from the entertainment world in the country today, Wednesday (8/4). Famous singer with a golden voice, Glenn Fredly, reportedly passed away at the age of 44.

The news of his departure initially spread through broadcasts in various groups. Several local musicians expressed their condolences on their respective social media accounts, including Rian D'masiv.




1. Good Person

He uploaded a photo of himself with Glenn Fredly in black and white. The vocalist of D'Masiv also mentioned that Glenn is a good person and a role model.

"Bung Glenn Fredly is a good person.. a role model musician.. innalilahi wainnailahi rajiun... one of the best musicians has passed away," he wrote.


2. Because of Meningitis?

The cause of the death of this senior musician is still unclear, but some mentioned that Glenn passed away due to inflammation of the brain membrane or meningitis.


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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