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Habib Usman Tested Positive for Covid-19, Kartika Putri: Wow, a Test during the Month of Fasting

Habib Usman Tested Positive for Covid-19, Kartika Putri: Wow, a Test during the Month of Fasting Kartika Putri © Akrom Sukarya - Artis Kartika Putri sempat down saat mengetahui sang suami, Habib Usman bin Yahya dinyatakan positif Covid-19. Wanita yang akrab disapa Karput itu bersyukur memiliki keluarga yang perhatian dan selalu membantu memenuhi kebutuhan sang suami yang kini menjalani isolasi mandiri.

Salah satu yang membuat Karput down lantaran dirinya harus mengurus tiga anak yang masih kecil dan masih harus menyusui. Namun hal itu bisa dilewatinya karena memiliki keluarga yang super perhatian.

1. Managing Three Children

"It turns out that Habib's immunity dropped because of sadness. Then he tested positive for Covid-19 again. On the first day, I felt down because I had to take care of three children, one of whom is fully breastfed," said Kartika Putri at the Jakarta Metro Police, Friday, (23/4).

"Alhamdulillah, I have a family that is amazing. My uncle, my brother, who tested positive on the first day, immediately sent medicine and food because it affects their emotions and thoughts," Kartika continued.

2. Returning from Yemen Still Negative for Covid-19

Initially, the woman born on January 20, 1991, suspected that her husband had been exposed to the Corona virus after returning from Yemen a few weeks ago. At that time, Habib Usman felt pain in his throat, but the test results were still negative for Covid-19.

"He came back (from Yemen) with an illness, just inflammation, and still negative. Maybe because his immune system kept dropping, his mind easily gets affected," said Kartika Putri.

3. Ramadan Exam

Unfortunately, after that, his condition continued to deteriorate and after the second test, her husband was declared positive for Covid-19. Fortunately, Karput herself did not get infected with the Covid-19 virus even though she was always with her husband.

"That's why after the quarantine was over, I still tested negative. That's why I could leave quarantine. After that, a few days later, around the 16th. That's when 'wow, the Ramadan exam', the blessings of Allah," she concluded.

The Covid-19 virus is still lurking for anyone, Klovers. Therefore, always remember #IngatPesanIbu (Remember Mother's Message). Wear a mask, wash your hands regularly, limit mobility, avoid crowds, and maintain distance. Hopefully, Klovers always stay healthy!


Disclaimer: This translation from Bahasa Indonesia to English has been generated by Artificial Intelligence.
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